Nuclear Throne SJW pressuring Spelunky dev to make easy games...

Nuclear Throne SJW pressuring Spelunky dev to make easy games. One faggot is crying because he couldn't make it out of the jungle in spelunky.

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fuck off rami, you corporate bootlicker. no one gives a shit about you

the checkmark means "Yes, you can ignore this person", not sure if Twitter ever made this clear

did nuclear throne inflate this faggots ego so much? jesus christ

>admitting you're shit at a game and that you REFUSE to improve
>not just getting an easy game with no fail state instead
>instead you force the developer to change the game design to cater to your weakling mindset
nature was supposed to get rid of these weak minded using natural selection but we effectively stopped it from affecting most of us. This obviously caused a severe damage to mankind and the only cure is unfortunately a global event like a war or something like corona but deadlier. I'll get weeded out too just like 99% of the tards here but mankind will improve by a lot.

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He never shuts the fuck up and has a faggoty take on everything

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>we DESERVE to play and beat souls games
You don't deserve anything. Play other games, oh wait then you won't feel involved in epic gamer culture. That's all they give a shit about.

Is this some shizo shit I'm not aware of?
The guy who's bad at spelunky doesn't think the game should be easier.
Learn how to fucking read.

Actually he does if you follow the whole thing

I take it back. He's based

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People who want babymode difficulty settings in vidya are beyond pathetic. If you suck that much at the game then don't play it or watch some streamer or walkthrough. Video games are games, not movies.

How the fuck did this Rami guy get so influential? Are educated Muslims that rare in Europe that it's a celebrated thing?

>Implying I'm supposed to look up your shitty twitter bait myself
Kys faggot.
And btw as gay as he is, Rami is more successful and happier than most of this board.

But if they don't play the flavour of the month game they won't feel included. How will people know you're a gamer if you can't tell people about it?

what the fuck point is he even trying to make here? does he really think games are too difficult and need to be more accessible than they already are?

More successful than me but probably not happier. Nobody that buttblasted over everything can ever be happy. He's an ugly shitskin too.

lol why is derek asking rami this, he knows rami didn't actually 'work' on the game
is he fucking with him?

>more successful and happier than most of this board
That's not something to be proud of.

Probably. Unlike Rami, Derek is not a one trick pony

is there a twitter poo that isnt so far up their own ass? there's that faggot from bioware a while back, the dude that killed apu and this fucking idiot

based phoneposter with his shitty twitter screencap threat making autists seethe

spelunky hd was already "compromised" with the dlc imo

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I wish Rami would catch Corona and die desu

>derek yu

If only
People like him only make the industry worse

Do their best Harry impression and jump into a pit.

I bought it for fat nigger kid after 1000 hours. I listened to a podcast once where the interviewer suggested some sort of arcade style play per life for spelunky to Derek.

none of vlambeers' games would hold up if they were released today
right place right time

No one who spends that much time bitching on twitter is happy.

>1% battery on phone
There it is, the only interesting thing about this thread

true, normally we wouldn't go for the token black guy but he was popular in local co-op

Rami is a schizo constantly bitching about video games on twitter; I don't think he is "happy" in the conventional sense

even so rami's opinion on them means less than nothing, he's the business end guy
afaik he's never written a line of code or drawn a sprite for any of the games they made, ever

Now I’m imagining OP scrambling to post this shitty twitter screencap thread seconds before his phone died

I am so fucking sick of this term already, holy shit. Accessibility options are things like colorblind modes, control rebindings, and things that make some elements clearer (i.e. the ability to removed themed Command Menus in Kingdom Hearts).
Adding the option to reduce the difficulty isn't an "accessibility option", it's a baby bitch option to pander to people who can't beat your game because they don't want to admit they need to get better. Alternatively, if the game is actually badly designed, it's a baby bitch move because you're too afraid to admit you designed thinks poorly and make changes to fix them.

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When did accessibility go from "giving more options for people who are physically unable to play video games due to disabilities" to "people who are bad at videogames deserve to beat them"?

Casually plugging it in while I watch Netflix with my wife drinking coffee actually