Thought? Why does no one talk about this game?

Thought? Why does no one talk about this game?

Attached: dr4.jpg (1210x652, 177.57K)

>Why does no one talk about this game?

because it's shit, it's like a universal constant, the same way that gravity ties us to this planet, in the same way that stars exist, in the same way that we as creatures of this planet need oxygen to survive, is the same way that disaster report 4 is trash, and to deny that is to deny reality

The demo is too short

The game engine looks like garbage. Like it belongs in the late 90s.

It's UE4, so that's the main reason why.

because this game is a disaster

Attached: Carlos.png (600x600, 390.01K)

>Like it belongs in the late 90s.
thats why its based

The demo is dogshit, it stops right before it gets to a part that could be interesting and then the price point at least in North America and most of Europe is dogshit.

UE4 is amazing though

God no.
I can name the UE4 games that don't run/look like shit on 1 hand.


Some of the best looking games are on UE4

Literal PS3 game

Again, god no.
The only UE4 games I can think of that look better than the average game are Gears 5 and maybe AC7.

Can you name any?

fuck you gigantic zoomer baiter faggot

UE4 sucks when an unskilled dev uses it. All the ghosting and shit is horrendous. Fucked up hair. And way too many filters.

UE4 definitely isn't for games where you are sight-seeing on uneven terrain. The way that models are stuck to the ground and traversing over terrain pops models up and down instantly is really ugly.

Even when a skilled dev uses it (Respawn, Squeenix, Rocksteady) they still produce crap.

Dragonball Fighter Z, Granblue Fantasy Versus, Kingdom Hearts 3, Ace Combat 7, Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, Dragon Quest XI, Tales of Arise, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Bloodstained, Octopath Traveler, SMT V, Guilty Gear 2020 and so on.

They're also optimized. Especially when you compare them to other in-house engines that still suffer shit ports. Like Rockstar's games and Frostbite.

Not an argument, tranny. ArcSys games are some of the most stylistic, unique looking and gorgeously animated games ever. Your disgusting westacuck sensibilities need not apply.

I'm not baiting. I'm just not a programmed Steamie like you.

Arkham Knight is on UE3 and it still holds up.

Attached: 1544895303697.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

It's bad. Imagine Yakuza, but with terrible controls, no fighting, no minigames... actually, imagine Shenmue on Dreamcast with no fighting or any redeeming qualities.

FF7R looks great though.

I like Disaster Report but charging $60 for it right now is a fucking horrible idea.
When I'm thinking about a new game at the moment after Animal Crossing and I have the option to get Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 or Disaster Report, I'm sure as shit not buying Disaster Report.

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Is the game as good as the ps2 games.

Attached: ps2_disasterreport_thumb.jpg (360x241, 45.61K)

People could deal with the jank back in the PS2 era.

Attached: 129784-raw-danger-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1134, 348.07K)

Budget titles should have budget prices.

Lol, no.
FF7R only looks good in dark metallic areas, anywhere else and it looks like a game from half a decade ago (but with worse textures).

Attached: 1586502992064.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

It looks worse than a game from half a decade ago.
Pic related is from half a decade ago.
It's more like a game from 7 years ago, and even then it looks worse than heavy-hitters like Crysis 3 and Battlefield 4.

Attached: starwarsbattlefronttrial_2016_12_16_09_07_47_745.jpg (3840x2160, 3.42M)

Attached: gears15.jpg (3840x2160, 2.89M)

From what I heard it isnt since they stripped all the actual survival mechanics found in the previous titles and less engagement from the player and the set pieces aren't as grandiose.

I remember only one shitty game on ue4, it was pubg.