JRPG of the Generation

JRPG of the Generation

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Prime had a 180 reviews and still got a 97, this shit isn't impressive since 80% of the reviews are paid now

JRPGs are kinda dead huh
I think even Japan is starting to get sick of them

>I'll make another thread about persona 5 because I'm a depressed bait poster and just want some attention

>only 28 reviews
Seriously what

Yeah nice 97 you got going there, lmao seething

SMTPersona Chads never stop winning

persona 5 is utter fucking garbage. one of the worst writing in any game whatsoever. truly an example of style over substance

Based retard

I can't even find this on amazon other than some bullshit special edition.

>b-but metacritic only counts when BOTW gets overrated scores!!

>being a simp for an eceleb
Fucking pathetic.

Naw, CS4 is gonna be a way better endcap to the gen.
Culmination of 9 games of JRPG GOAT awesomeness.
The innumerable seetheposts from somethingawful troons, resetera trannies, and Yas Forums contrarians who hate this amazing series makes me rock hard. I enjoy the game even more knowing a bunch of discord trannies and coomers who only jack off to loli futas while playing smash get unreasonable angry about it ;)

stop posting your shitty video nigger

Rent free, 170 reviews means more than 60 reviews. Anything below 100 reviews means nothing unless it's a indie title

>5 hours

this guy puts joseph anderson to shame.

Keep coping over a game you can't play, lmao


I cannot make myself play this game any more. I stopped as soon I as I got Yusuke.

xenoblade definitive edition will score higher

>Original game is 90% the same
>Adds a new story arc that could have easily been DLC
Yeah great RPG faggots.

Probably not although it is a better game

Mega fucking cope.

Attached: game reviews.png (786x670, 172.18K)

Why is that hard to believe, the original game got 92 on metacritic and they're giving it way better graphics and adding content, remakes like that usually score the same or higher. It would have to drop like 5 points to be worse than FF7R

stay mad personababies. best jrpg my ass

Fuck off simp

>twittertranny memes
way to out yourself retard

why is this slog dating sim with minimal gameplay rated so highly? I'll never get this VN series

Yeah, VN like FF7R

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Fujos and gays

You're shilling for an eceleb for free. Pretty blatant simp behavior

Yes because we know Persona 5 is chock full of gameplay. This only includes the original version so you could probably add another 10 hours for the Royal content.

Attached: persona movie.png (775x306, 200.13K)

That doesn't even make sense, fujos and gays don't like it because Joker can't date any of the guys.

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>30 hours game has 15 hours of cutscenes
>120 hours game has 43 hours of cutscenes
Do the math, retard

Mate have you seen the mountain of Joker x Akechi fan art? Royal completely panders to the fujo audience by making Joker's wish his desire to save Akechi