

Attached: dcgwuqp2d9s41.jpg (940x683, 122.14K)

That comic is actually funny though

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How should I celebrate when I hit level 30 wizard

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ok normalfag

as dumb as it is, it still made me chuckle

This got a guffaw out me lads

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Actually kinda funny, also,

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Is that a JUN pillow or something? Holy shit

Cast a level 1 fireball and be disappointed at the true state of reality.

Yea it's really good

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this dude is cringe


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Weirdly enough he can funny when he's not being political.

go back .

He's cringe?

I dunno, seems to have a good head on his shoulder's to me.

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I like this, is like a self flag for normalfags and tourists.

Huh? Go back where? The fuck are you talking about?

>Go back where?
To my heart

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Man fuck off. I couldn't give less of a shit about "normalfag shit". "Normie" just rolls off the tongue a million times easier than "Normalfag".

How did millennials manage to do worse humor than baby boomers?

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>actual throat opening

>Man fuck off

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hahaha xD

I'm getting too old for this shit, do people here hate Nedroid now?

I feel so sad for you lol

>rock throw

>antifa seethe

3D women are not important.

King shit, I need to get more of his doujins

>Man fuck off
Normalfags are hilarious.
Can't wait till you kill yourselves en masse from being quarantined.

These comics are awful.


I've made this but I never have the chance to get (You)s

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That's a funny way to say PS4 has no games.

>Normie just rolls off the tongue a milion times easier than normalfag
Its also a better way to make you sound like a faggot

Nigger you're turning 30 without having touched pussy. I think you're coping hard right now.

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Can you say why?
Didn't think so.

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>incel cope

>he thinks people here actually give a shit
Newfag detected


ohh the normalfag got mad!

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Also Christ wasn't a refugee. Egypt and Judea were both part of the Roman empire when Mary and Joseph were forced to flee from Herod.

>soiboy dilate

>CAD for incels
wasn't so hard

Hurry up and report these nazis to the mods of this sub


Okay, why is it like CAD?

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Agreed. There has been quite an alarming rate of antisemitism in this board as of late.

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based and dare I say redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled.

Once you get to that point. You don't even feel anything anymore.

You only feel as long as you have hope, once you've lost hope, there is no sense of expectation.

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But the tranny isn't obliged to believe in Jesus. And a scripture following Christian doesn't respect trannies anyways. This comic doesn't actually have any meaning if you think about it for 30 seconds. This isn't a joke, it is an actual conversation that has happened a million times.

meh and purplepilled

>ironic weeb pic
you can keep your virginity

Yikes and autismpilled

good taste on that image

Go back to plebbit

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