Detective Simulator 1403

>Detective Simulator 1403
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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I thoroughly enjoyed this game and I would recommend it to anyone who likes RPGs.

its on sale right now should i buy it?

Absolutely. It's got more soul than the last 5 years of gaming combined.

Yes. Yes you should.


It's a great game but why ever but anything?

same here, its pretty janky for some aspects but its by far one of the best rpg experiences I have ever had, mainly because the game is very good at making it so quests have a crapton of branches so the quest doesnt just straight up fail or trigger a restart.

So that this small game company has enough money to proceed with the second instalment you fucking retard.

Is the Royal edition worth it?
it's only 23€ compared to 15€ for the standard edition

>second instalment
why would you want them to repeat themselves?
it'd be much better if they focused on another IP


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the story isn't over. I WANT ME SWORD

I'd say yes. Some of the DLC is kinda meh but the last one is easily worth the money imo.

It is amazing.

did they nerf blunt weapons? i played a bit recently and their damage didn't feel right anymore

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I got the base game for free on Ebic Gaem Stroe.
Is the DLC worth getting.

>piece of janky shit used by some neonazi chud to milk incel racist larpers on kickstarter

The levels make a massive difference in this game to the point where it actually ruins it a bit. I wish they balanced it a bit better.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword

apply yourself next time you try to shitpost

I only have 15€ in my steam wallet and I can't be arsed to add more to it
Will the DLC likely be discounted in the future?

sounds based im sold

Skull Cracker is still OP and makes many fights trivial.

I doubt it. The Royal edition is probably the cheapest way to get everything. And I think this is the lowest the game is ever discounted. I guess there's always a chance it'll be even cheaper during another big sale. Maybe during the summer.

reminder that the executioner sword is best sword and thrusting is overrated

Because if you don't get the patches Kingdom Come is unplayable jank.

???? You can patch pirated copies lad, what the fuck are you on about?

Last time I checked I didn't find the torrents, I remember pirating this shit when it came out and it was terrible but with great atmosphere.
Just checked now and you were right, it's all cracked now even dlc lol.

Thank god I didn't buy this shit.

Imagine the sad smelly loser nobody posting garbage like this, probably a fat ugly neckbeard with a ponytail that hasn't had a single day of actual work thinking he is a rebel for leeching of a medium.

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Get all of the DLC as well. I spent over 200 hours 100%ing it

>can't cope with the fact he's wasted hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the course of his life on mind-numbing entertainment
>calls people who weren't retarded and got games FOR FREE neckbeards
I think you could do with going to a therapist pal, seeing as you have no aversion to blowing your hard-earned cash needlessly :)