Will we ever see a new Tony Hawk game?

Will we ever see a new Tony Hawk game?

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im pretty sure thats madonna

The first three failed because he tried to to carry the relationship combos on too long and bailed.

Yes, but not a good one. He had some shitty mobile game come out last year.

Played THP3 last week, they need to make a third person shooter that combines skate boarding and combos

Maybe Vanquish + THP

He must be mentally retarded.

If they do they better have a nirvana and sublime soundtrack only with 4 player split screens with custom boards and characters.

Tony Hawk was married three times?

Goddamn he looks so old now, owch.

That guy looks like an old Tony Hawk


Celebrity relationships are collectively a trashfire, man. Sure l, you can point out a few diamonds in the rough. That's good for them. Still, most celebrities can't pick and/or keep a good intimate partner to save their lives. Or be one themselves.

Weirdly enough, when I think of A-list celebrity marriages that didn't implode/explode, it would be Robert Downey Jr.

Sunset overdrive?

Three failed marriages?! He just keeps trying until he gets it right, or goes to the hospital. Yet another thing Rodney Mullen has beaten him in.

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I remember him saying on an interview that video games fucking suck nowadays.

How can Rodney be so autistic yet so chad at the same time?

If you told me that his marriages collapsed just because he spent more time skateboarding than fucking his wife, I'd 100% believe you.

I mean, he ain't wrong.

>tfw got stuck on suburbia again

every fucking time that level

How old is that pic? I've gotten so used to seeing old Mullen that any pic of young Mullen just feels weird.

He didn't say it with those words, but yeah, he made clearly he's not a fan of mainstream modern vidya and that a new tony hawk game wouldn't sell enough

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I saw some game on twitter a while ago and it was rollerblading but with tony hawk physics plus TPS but it looked kind of garbage and undercooked desu.

she supported him even when he was at complete rock bottom and was the impetus for getting clean, not that surprising she stays with him now that he's one of the most famous actors on the planet

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based geriatric skater

Late 70's/early 80's


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tony hawk pro divorcer


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You know what the worst thing about all of this is? His only real protege is his privileged as fuck son (carried by his father's skate company). Everyone else that trained under him were left high and dry.

Marriages fail so much in the decadent West because women are no longer educated to be refined and submissive, and given in arranged marriages as soon as they menstruate. By Allah, get your shit straight, infidels!

Based and God-fearingpilled.

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Maybe in ten years when Activision realizes they're about to lose the license again.

What a KUCK.


Imagine using a skateboard while being older than 20


Gotta admit that is based.