Do you actually have any hope for the future of the series after this shit?

do you actually have any hope for the future of the series after this shit?

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It's the best game by far and I hope the sequel is equally good. The waifus should be improved however, only really liked Asahi.


That girl looks pretty cute

I mean, it was better than just standard 4 from the gameplay perspective. Just wish it had a better route where you followed the old gods a bit. I do however think it is still a way better series than Persona and it is criminal that Persona is the more popular of the two. The best SMT game is Strange Journey imo. Just wish we got more info on V sooner rather than later.

I dont have much hope for it but its not because of Apocalypse

Mechanically it was great, fuck you OP.


Attached: 5e1dcd435ed82fc81e3692a9aef48bf9c14e2e39_hq.jpg (1024x765, 89.6K)

it was a great game you gay nig

I love this game's ost. Even if most of it is borrowed from IV, the new songs are still fantastic.

It is the best game in the series and SMT V will only be even more like Apocalypse. Seethe and kill yourself OP.

Obviously OP didn't fucking play the game. I do have high hopes for SMTV, since I am a fan of the series. Hopefully they make a game more like Nocturne, but we shall see.

I agree the new stuff is great. Especially some of the boss themes like the divine powers.

I fear they're catering more to coomers looking at 4A's cast, and they showed that cute schoolgirl in the trailer. Hopefully this doesn't pull in randoms that cry about high difficulty.

Straight men > SMT edgelords

Let's see if V even ever comes out before we worry about whether the future games in the series are good, okay?

The future is on phone games, Dx2 proves that right.

Why did 4A need a fucking beach swimsuit dlc

Coomers are trannies

Didnt that thing flop

would it be hard to go back to nocturne if smt4 is my first mainline game?

They just let the new kids play with their old toy so they could focus on V. They're definitely bringing their A game for this.

Dunno I don't play it but shit is like 2 years old by now meaning that is successful enough to survive at least.

This. If it was a comfy journey with just you and Asahi I would've liked it better.
I'm still ticked off at Nozomi's horseshit. They're lucky that Nanashi and friends weren't shot right at the front door.

That’s tranny logic
Take your pills

Is this the fire emblem conquest of SMT?

Asahi a shit, I like that part where they go full chinese and eat the stupid dog.

Now Toki, that is a waifu I can get behind.

>It's the best game by far
>has no dungeons just a characters pushing you around then it ends
It doesnt take much to satiate SMTfans huh

None at all. The fact that so many people in this thread seem to like this game not only proves I'm right to expect nothing but also that this fanbase doesn't deserve anything better anyway.

You'll miss some of 4As some quality of life features and nocturne's story is a bit minimalistic, but otherwise you should do fine.

huh, smt4 was the one with no dungeons

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Shit? Yes

Oh yeah Apo has that one at the end that was shit anyways

smt4a had the best gameplay in the series
gameplay is all that matters in a video game
therefore, 4a was the best smt

4Afags are not SMT fans, they are personafags that turned 15 and felt like they needed to graduate and chose the closest one

better than nocturne's final dungeon lol

4A had some pretty satisfying choices, going full edgelord was sick

Attached: citra-qt_2019-12-03_03-26-48.png (574x96, 37.63K)

You mean combat?
Because gameplay is non existant otherwise
This was a series about navigating mazes yet this game has no mazes
The combat is probably the best yes but its still JRPG hit weakness and heal/buff/debuff stuff

Not even close

Yeah, sure.

oh right, you're praising nocturne so you havent played that game, typical

Too bad it comes out of nowhere and has no payoff because the writing is so weak
They spend so much time forcing these characters on you and I still didnt care about any of them, kind of amazing in a way

Continue coping

i just want the same composers from 4/4A, meguro can stay with persona

seethe lol

>they are personafags that turned 15 and felt like they needed to graduate
That is literally all SMT fans
Persona is better and SMTV is never coming out. Cope.

persona will be better when they drop all the social sim shit, man that shit's boring YAWN

>Too bad it comes out of nowhere
Did you skip every line where dagda talked?

IV:A has the best gameplay and some of the best music in the series.
Stop pretending Nocturne is a masterpiece you retarded neets.

You mean that edgelord telling you to kill the people that are helping you? It was pathetic all the way through

like i keep saying, anyone who only swears by nocturne actually hasnt played it and is praising it for Yas Forumscred

4Afags always crack and show their true colors so easily

raidou > nocturne

If by gameplay you mean combat then sure
But JRPGs are much much more than just combat
even SMT1 is better because of atmosphere

I like games with loners and no colors. I'm a big boy mommy. I didn't smile once while paying, pwo...pwomise!!!!