So what's the story behind these guys?

so what's the story behind these guys?

Attached: time jannies.png (800x800, 226.86K)

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Remember playing the original FF7 and seeing a bunch of black blobs in various places that would mutter a bunch of incomprehensible stuff?

They were one of the people injected with Sephiroth/Jenova cells and are going to come into play toward the ending when Sephiroth merges with them, as per the Reunion theory


Attached: 2007.jpg (1920x812, 460.58K)

They are Voldemort’s bad guys. That fly around and scare Harry Potter.

They protect the plot.

After seeing what Nomura's done with the plot so far, I'm convinced he'll try to tie them to Organization XIII and Cloud will get ice cream with them.

Attached: org13.jpg (960x541, 84.93K)

well they haven't done a very good job.

How much do they get paid, Yas Forums?
Man, they just the Time Police

paid? lol
they do it for free!



Play the game.

What's the deal with Nomura and having an organization of hooded niggas?

Attached: hooded niggas.png (1315x716, 571.26K)

oh oh they shitted up my franchise

now I'll shit up theirs

Attached: Ansem%2C_Seeker_of_Darkness-_Secret_Place_Appearance_KH.png (360x360, 77.43K)


I'm not going to pay full price for 1/3 of a game.


>He doesn't know

It's to hide the horrible haircuts.

is there any possible way to veer the time ghost shit to not be as inanely retarded that wouldn't be just deleting the entire concept

This made me laugh

I think that they may legitimately be organization XIII or some analog.

their whole existance alone makes everything related to them incredible obtuse and retarded and since they control the plot and are now dead, literally anything can happend, so its all up to Nomura now to decide just HOW MUCH he wants to shit on part 2 and onwards

who's the 2nd pic from?

Are they basically the auditors of reality?

Attached: B-OD6FPIAAAPnk5.jpg (1200x1200, 152.66K)

Time jannies were the heroes of the game. With them gone, Aerith lives.

Try 1/20th of a game

To hide unfinished/not final designs

>These niggas LITERALLY gonna change the fucking plot of the game instead of just remastering it like they were supposed to
Fuck square enix, not buying this garbage

You're a stupid fuck.
The revelation of all those characters come from the same game the hood was introduced.

Xemnas isn't physically introduced in KH1, retard.


I'm saying he doesn't take off the hood. It's there to hide his unfinished/not final design. It's literally what the purpose of the Organization XIII cloak is for. Nomura even said so.

Why did Xemnas do this?