How the fuck do I get special characters on my PSN name? When I’m playing PlayStation late at night...

How the fuck do I get special characters on my PSN name? When I’m playing PlayStation late at night, I always get matched up with people who have fucked up korean characters in their names.

I tried inputting some pinyin Chinese and it wouldn’t let me. 大美国人

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9 or 6 for me

For me, its 12



Gonna go with 4,13, and 28.

13 all the way

also where the fuck is the chocotaco

13 is the only option

>Not getting 20 and hoping you get retard sonic

Gotta be between 13 or 28

6, 10, 14. magnum double caramels as a bonus if they have it. anything else is bad

Snow Storm, WWF bar or Banana-chocolate bomb pop

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gimme the jolly rancher shit or power puff girl

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why is it winking at me

6, 13 and I honesty forgot what all the gumball ones tasted like but one of them was really good

I'll take a #4 please

younger me 22 older me 13.

10, I'm a man of simple tastes

Gotta go for 3, 12, or 16.


As a kid, I used to like the cartoon ones 17-24. Now if I had to choose, probably 12 or 14.

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Only the best for me, thanks

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19 those gumballs are delicious


5 or 6, Ice Cream cookie sandwiches are the shit and always have been.

That looks like the shit I used to get at the mall when I was a kid. Pretty good and fun to eat.

based 13bros

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Yeah, I'm thinking 12
what game are you playing

>Strawberry over chocolate
sorry your gay

13, 28, or 33 for me.

i got 13 and don't want it someone trade

6 9 10 12 14 or 15


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Nah man. It's a guy on the Dickie Dee bike

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1 and 5 as well

I want the plain ice cream sandwich.

3, 16, 22

There were these Mexican dudes, obviously illegals who'd sell these ghetto pops with fruit in them where I live. They were pretty good. I only mention it because they had the same kind of setup.

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fuck you strawberry is awesome

13. only.

roll baby roll!

Fate will decide my ice cream


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