What is Yas Forums's opinion on this game?

what is Yas Forums's opinion on this game?

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2nd game was better desu

It was alright, but extremely easy outside of Lucifer. Definitely a beginner's TRPG, but certainly not a bad one.
I preferred the second game, it wasn't much harder but viable combat builds were more varied and interesting, including several gimmick setups that actually worked decently like Rage Cleric Makoto.

really? why's it better i heard the exact opposite

Yeah, it wasn't really hard like the other user said. I know, I'm a casual at tactics games but the story and characters are great.
I love the setting which is modern day Japan, and I don't see games set in modern times often except with SMT.

Some people generally prefer the storyline of Overclocked because they view the second as "too anime" or some such thing. While I also prefer the second game, I must say that at least the first didn't have Ronaldo in it.

It's worse. They have Midori.

this or radiant historia.

tell me what to play Yas Forums

At first, I was turned off by the idea of a watered-down TRPG in my watered-down SMT game. But you know that adage about something being greater than a sum of it's parts? Game's got a decent SHTF scenario that twists into something a lot cooler. If you want a good edgelord ending, go make Betatron your bitch and play this game.

This game, it's way better than RH. RH is good but it's a pretty standard JRPG with just a few interesting plot choices to stand out.

You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be
Change the way you live (Change the way you live)
You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be
Try to be positive, ah-ahh
Take your life
Take it in your hands
Starting from today
It’s all yours
Bring the sunshine out
And blow the clouds away
Your world is what you want
Starting from today
You can do it if you try
I’ll leave it up to you

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shut the fuck off schizo.

k thanks

>retarded genki girl or hypocritical idiot
I don't like either but if I had the choice I'd pick Midori simply by virtue of her not being a cold-hearted murderer who would shoot an unarmed girl they were friends with just because of the heat of the moment.

Stay away from SMT faggot. We need less people like you in this world.

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no you

And make sure to play the Overclocked version, it completely outmodes the original DS one.
If you can only emulate though you'll have to play the DS one because the 3DS one is one of the few games that is completely unplayable on Citra.




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Oh I have it sitting on my 3ds along with with the second game, SMTIV and IV Apocalypse, and strange Journey.

Been thinking of starting to get rid of my JRPG backlog now that I'm lockdown and I'm only looking forward to get guilty gear strive beta


Either way it's fine.
I don't mind the portrait changes so I think the 3DS one's a decent little remake.

ah nice
I'm going to start SJ after I finish Apocalypse (I'm in the route choice bit), which comes after finishing Etrian Odyssey V and Nexus.

I also have etrian odyssey but its not my cup of tea since I like character development in my games.

Play it anyway it's good
And if you don't want to play the normal ones play the Untolds.
Untold 2 in particular actually has a decent story and I really liked Bertrand's character.

I am in the boat that 1 was better. Story flowed so much smoother, and didn’t have goofy aliens. The first one seemed closer to SMT proper while 2 felt like it was leaning the Persona route.

The goofy aliens are great though. The only flaw is that aside from the one they don't really talk, so they're less characterized than a typical demon. Still, it is a nice bit of variety in a series that recycles designs so much, even with new designs like Belberith using parts of older demon designs in it.

>Persona route
Not every game that has individual character stories with some jokes added in is fucking Persona, jfc mate.

1st game was better

It literally has social links

They were designed by the guy who did Bokurano. That was pretty fucking dope.

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I got filtered by Wendigo on day 2. Aside from that, it's good

I hated the super duper friendship chaosfag ending.

FATE lines are not fucking social links. They actually matter for keeping some characters alive and they change depending on what happens in the story, and not just for the critical plot characters. It's a better implemented way of giving the characters development without sidetracking the plot excessively.

They're the same mechanically - talk to people, say what they want, number goes up, get gameplay benefits

That's super generalized. You can say that about any game that has party talk segments in it.