Why are FPS games untouched in japan?

Why are FPS games untouched in japan?

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they squint too much

It gives them motion sickness.

Anyone who watches shit like this needs to get publicly beaten up. Watching streamers and let's plays is already shit tier and this is even worse.

but they love fucking cod

Battle Royale shit seems to be the only FPS games they play for the most part, wonder why that is. At least based on what I see Vtubers playing

Attached: EVPswQ4UEAYh2pe.jpg (2911x3932, 759.58K)

>wonder why that is.
Where do you think Battle Royale originated?

Good night, Korone.

Because BRs are popular. But some are just pros at them, man. youtube.com/watch?v=4mQtjJ4aPRg

Why do you make so many threads about this girl? /c/ has a waifu thread you can post in, you know.

why is there a pepper in the coffee?

Are there any Japanese devs that have made FPS games?

Japanese play plenty of FPS these days, it's the old nip boomers who refused to play FPS games because they simply weren't made in Japan and non-japanese games were considered shit back in the day.

Resident Evil 7, and possibly 8

Capcom barely count because they primarily make games for a western audience. Plus RE7 is a very slow paced game and made for VR. I was more thinking of has a Japanese dev ever made an FPS in the same vain as Doom, Quake, CoD, Halo, Battlefield, Singularity, Stalker etc.

I want to fuck the dog

Attached: 1559456335866.webm (300x628, 890.95K)

That's like asking why she uses a clipart hammer to bonk on people.

you have a retardation fetish?

Attached: Dog_tries_to_fill_a_hole.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

Japanese get headaches and motion sickness real easily unlike Westerners. They like to take things slow.

>This Dog somehow graduated from Tokyo U

I still don't understand what is going on in this webm.

Is she okay?

>there exists scientists who are so smart they need help putting on pants
no joke

She digs a block to fill the hole, thus making yet another hole which she has to fill

Hope these nips can enjoy VR one day

But she filled all the holes in the end and took the block that was at the edge.

no she does long 11 hour streams and learns English on the side she most likely has a sleep disorder

Attached: 1565521844657.png (900x1106, 859.2K)

did we hurt your feeling?

Yes, but she could have done that at the start.


DOOG stream when?

Because FPS games fucking suck LMAO!!!!111