That one multiplayer game you loved is dead forever

>that one multiplayer game you loved is dead forever

What's her name, Yas Forums?

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Deus Ex 1

The first year of GTA Online before rockstar ruined it.
No military shit and you could actually afford shit without shark cards.

Is fistfull of frags still pretty active?


warcraft 3

Rune. It had like 20 active people left when I started playing but damn, I had so much fun with it.

This nigga here

Battlefield 2142 was sick

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Battlefield 3


castlevania hd

You missed the golden age back in like 04
Was truly fun as hell and servers were packed daily. Arena tdm still runs from time to time if people get on

Guild wars 1

Tribes 2


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S4 League

radical heights

>put speed cap on flag bearers
>removed punting
>plasma gun
and those are only the ones i can remember off the top of my head,seriously what the fuck happend? it's like whatever unseen force wrestling the shotgun out of hi rez's mouth just up and quit suddenly.

MY NIGGA fuck EA for shutting down the revive project

battlefield 2142

This was actually a really good game until they tried to make it more of a hero shooter competitor to overwatch.

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The Specialists (and basically all HL1 mods except for Sven)

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I liked it.

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At least Specialists has bot support

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I remember the new girl they added to it being pretty hot.

Transformers Fall of Cybertron
I played the multi and Escalation modes all the time. They were so much fun

Adding premium weapons that broke class balance

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It was content drought that killed it, wasn't it? I remember them releasing that half-assed unfinished game mode untextured maps, and generally taking ages to release new characters despite having tons of interesting concepts on the backburner that people were excited for.


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Mag, nigga, she's dead. forever
still have a copy... just in case.

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Battlefield 1942

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still maintains a decent player count.

It's gone and any games of it's kind as well. There is no scape from BR trash and games as service.

I don't care if this was a casualized watered down BF2, it was my first BF game and I put hundreds and hundreds of hours in it

tried playing PC BF2 a while back but it really isn't the same game at all, my nostalgia wasn't satisfied in the slightest

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Fuck generic shooters, bring back PvP dino and monster games.

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Severely underrated post. What a shame S2 games sucked, it could've been much bigger than it was. The combat was chunky as everything, RIP in peace.

short lived pc activity was nice but its stuck in the damn windows store

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I don't know why the fuck they thought this was a good idea

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that shambling corpse ain't the same and you know it

Rakion. Local arena insanity, but absolutely ruined by p2w

Remember the early days when people weren't killing each other instantly. Also

>Those hackers that gave money.

you posted it
everything fucking sucks
if I boot up tribes right now are there still servers?

Savage 2 was just so fucking awesome. Huge battles with increasingly powerful enemies, once demons start running around it was such a rush. Tight melee combat, RTS commander. Such a fantastic game. AND WELL NEVER GET ANYTHING LIKE IT AGAIN

Why did these fucking cocksuckers want this game dead so bad? You literally can't even download it on Steam anymore. It's like they're ashamed that they made a great game.
Rip this entire subgenre of FPS :(

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Red Orchestra 2. I miss getting on in the early afternoon on days when I had no classes and my Russian and German Bros would be online shouting squad orders in their own language.

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