Play golden axe beast rider

play golden axe beast rider

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But it was awful.

It was bad but it made my pp the big pp

Didn't Michael Kirkbride of TES fame work on this?


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its a dead series for a reason let be it be forgotten

no, Matt

can't seem to find it on steam

What would a modern day Golden Axe look like?

It's a dead series because it's too sexy for modern developers and audiences.
A main female character who only wears a bikini? Completely unacceptable.

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Stop shilling here Matt, go play fighting games with Woolie and Pat again.

Ax Battler is black
Tyris wears jeans and a tank top and has a potato face
Gilius is now a quirky chubby black girl

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no it's shit

How do you play it in 2020, user?

Unironically the best looking Skyrim character I've seen posted. Well done.

you just saw the what happen video isnt?

Why do I keep getting recommended your shit channel matt!!!!
I don't care!

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no it wasn't. it was decent. faggot reviewers panned it solely because it didn't have coop

More like Golden Axe Breast Rider

game sucked but i remember this game cause of how hot the character was


>Golden Axe
>no coop

No user, you are the faggot.

>title is wha happun? in the video itself
>its what happened? in the actual title

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Cause it was a console exclusives.

Golden Axe 1-3 were really fun, some very fond memories of playing those three.

Matt a retard, someday he'll figure it out.


>This thread, Wet thread and similar cropping up.
Something is fucky.

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Speaking of reviving retro SEGA games, I wish someone would make a Space Harrier Studio/Maker where I can import jpegs and turn them into enemies and set them according to my own imported stage music.

>merilyn got a reduction