Are you finally ready to create a Black Elf?

Are you finally ready to create a Black Elf?

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>have the ability to introduce any type of new race
>lol no, let's just make the others brown
god black elves are so dumb looking
it's as silly as seeing a negro wearing victorian period clothing

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>blood elf language followed by SHIET, NIGGA, or HOL UP
>Glad you could make it Bluther
>I main the uninstall wizard
>it doesn't matter who cares
>arthas killing sylv again would be kino
There, you can just skip this thread.

LOLOLOLOLOL shadowslands confirmed a bust

black elves love human women

Nah, BFA destroyed my trust in Blizz to make WoW good.

>Sylvanas opens a portal to hell
>numerous black elves, black dwarves, black gnomes and black/asian humans start to appear in the world

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Not giving them big juicy assess. Blizzard fucked up once again.

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All the races being blacked was the final straw for me. Looks silly. Just uninstalled and don't ever plan on coming back. Fuck you blizzard

Yas Forums

I'd rather make drow elves

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If you were still playing this game into 2020 your only actual choice of redemption is to drown yourself in your bathtub.

These threads always 404 without reaching cap. Just give up.

The Darkie Portal

fuckoff and let this thread die

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>no new race
>no new class
>still no player housing
>uninspired zones
>only new feature is playing as a nigger

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Blizzard should get off their ass and give nelfs piercings and earrings to choose from.

But you just gave a reason to keep it going.

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>too afraid to post porn

>country elves
>being able to afford jewelry

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>Arthas kills Sylvanas leader
>becomes Forsaken faction leader

gookmoot rangebanned my mobile ISP so rather not.

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Thanks user

RIP. Thats only happened to me on /an/ and /sp/ for some reason.

>Pure black elves
>Can't even get the light shade in the hand/feed right

I'm genuinely surprised Sundown's style translates so well to goblins and gnomes.

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I like his Alex too. But his chunky bodies work good on shortstacks

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Yep. Glad he's starting to move away from that bimbo phase he was in for a while.
None of that shit looked right.

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Gotta disagree with you there pal. The hooker ponies were nice, but the tits did get tad too big on most of them.