Have you ever gotten mad over a video gams?

Have you ever gotten mad over a video gams?

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how do i stop being mad at video games?

You realize it's just a game bro

blame yourself instead of the game even if it isn't your fault. Helps me calm down anyway.

I do the same shit Michael Does Life does in his vids when I get mad at video games

I see that hist cat has seen this shit before once or twice.

lmao koreans bad at games

Don't worry they calm down fine after a few matches of Gookcraft

I play games for enjoyment and/or overcoming fun challenges. If my enjoyment stops for a significant period, I'll stop playing.
If I want to do boring busy work and get angry, I'll go do something productive like a job or socialize.

A lot, used to damage a few keyboard here and there. I'm more chill these days though.

Don't ever play mobas because you will realize that and then fume over it happening again and again for the next 30 minutes.

i wish this had audio. also poor cat.

Yes, but I don't break or throw things because I'm not a child.

When I was younger Id autistically get loud, now not so much.

Except for a few times in Escape from Tarkov. That shit gets my blood pumping through sheer fear, adrenaline, and frustration

Jesus fuck you are so god damn based it is making me dizzy.

you realize its just a glorified toy and nothing more

I did, but it's the reason I quit.

i quit the particular game and play something else for a while, something slow paced or relaxing. Then i come back to the first one and get mad again

It may be, but it's still time you would have expected to spent enjoying it. Then you get mentally cornered into a state of hopelessness and explode.

Poor cat just sitting there looking confused as fuck.

I never saw the point in maining mobas, but I appreciate that it helped it me manage anger better.

If he hurt the cat I was about to say something very racist bros...

I try not to get mad at fighting games but lag spikes and bullshit frames get me ticked off. Broke my phone once. That's when I stopped physically getting mad.

It's always your fault for failing, not the game in any way, not anyone else in any way. It's your fault you died and lost. It's your fault for being shit at everything and your only hope is getting better and stop being shit at least once in your life.
Never quit or raged at a game in my life just by applying this mentality

I stopped getting mad at video games when I got a Wii U. I figured the gamepad was way too expensive to replace.

Anyone have the videos of that streamer getting super pissed off at the spear guy in the hirata estate and ranting about how bad the game is?


Fucking gooks have to culled.

If a game makes you made play a different game for a while to remind you why you like video games. Play something thats not so intense but still kinda fun like a tower defense or an fps campaign

What about in Fighting games?

Oh yeah in the good old MW3 days I was a massive try hard. Once I was getting stomped by a guy so bad that halfway through the game a whipped my controller at the ground so hard the it shattered and largest piece lodged itself into my door. Good times, haven't raged that hard since but I still definitely rage still.

Animals better than gooks? Yes, that's a given.

Some things aren't your fault and you shouldn't push yourself too much into unrealistic scenarios. The way to go is being conscious of your triggers and developing habits of avoiding them.

>not knowing this just makes the rage worse.
The feeling of knowing that your shit and it's your fault and you're too impotent to do anything about it is what makes me chimp out in the first place.

That's an even worse mentality. That's how you become a fucking doormat when something is actually not your fault. It's better to learn how to control your emotions and figure what went wrong and how you can fix it rather than immediately restoring to screaming or blaming yourself over and over like a retard.

Yes, I put a small dent in a wall after getting too pissed at a MK11 KL fight. Made me reevaluate myself a little bit.

lmao he lost his dinner too