Animal crossing

Stalk market: Dawn of the Final day Post Dodos, and sell nips

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i've got 500 per on my island and i ain't opening up shit

You HAVE been talking to Sable every day to get access to a whole ton of patterns for furniture right?


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>He uses the exchange

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troll post

Imagine a fucking nintendo game for babies where you play with a little dollhouse being the only thing in your life that gives you some sense of control and power.

everyone alarms set? I'm thinking about staying up til 5 to get them

52 bells... it's all over

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>not recognizing where this is from

>home shop prices currently at 23
thank god i found a online town to dump at
if they got any lower i'd have to pay the nook boys to take them

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Anyone's fishing tourney still going? I just need a few more points to hit 300

I have a severe and crippling problem.

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It's just 124

Me too, but my house isn't fully upgraded so I'm just dropping items all over the island now

Not yet, I still need to commission something of him.

I need help bros. I've been dating Agnes since she moved on the island but our relationship has stagnated lately. She never works out or sings, all she does is eat... all day. and that's all she ever wants to do. Stinky and Victoria are always working out and Marina is always singing. And then today, THIS happened. I know I'm frowning but I'm just so miserable. I don't even stay at her place anymore, I'm usually getting drunk at Jerimiah's and I crash on his couch.

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Today Sable gave me some fabric
Das rite

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I'm buying a second Switch to use for an additional 1600 storage space for items that won't fit on my first island..

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Just sell the shit you know you are 99% never going to use, it's probably hundreds of items.

You can just make a new character

sable cute. CUTE!

I'll trade you some wall plates for some fish wall scrolls.

Anybody got a low buying price from Daisy Mae?

Surprisingly animal crossing fixed my sleep schedule. So I wake up at 7 am now

Do NOT buy turnips before it hits 5am on your island or they will ALL rot as soon as it hits 5am.

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Just bury them.

How do I get a Label gf?


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Get Gracie to compliment you in front of her

Okay then go ahead and try it.


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My kitchen is stuffed with an entire inventory's worth of tarantula's. Should I sell them so I can buy more turnips tommorow is or are my 1 mil savings enough?

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If your island is full of coomer tier villagers, you need to uninstall the game

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post yfw you realize the wooden board path tool can be used to shrink or expand your pier

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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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Did you got all the shit from the tournament?

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>Mable says that sable is always excited to see me
>Sable gets embarrassed

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Yep. I got 4 Anchors from it cause I went and helped an user get to 300

You can make about 5 million bells in gross profit off of a 1 million bell investment if you buy in the low 90s and sell in the mid 500s.


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Will we ever get a different NPC that will warm up to the player? Sable's great and all but it's a bit played out at this point

Pro tip for you nerds! Make a second profile. Get a second house!


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I'm not buying more than an inventory worth of turnips this time. After I pay off my house and add another incline and bridge or two to my town why do I even need Bells anymore

Weird, he bought all my fish, maybe you're just a retard?

He bought the fish in the cooler, I'm just salty he's not buying the fish I gathered last night to save up for nips tomorrow morning.

>Will we ever get a different NPC that will warm up to the player?
....? user...

Yeah that's probably enough. Guess I'll save the tarantulas for when I need them/the bug lizard comes to my town.

He bought the fish I gathered last night. Maybe you're just a retard?

Can you get duplicate fish items, or am just I getting lucky so far?

hey bro, wanna come v-visit my island? we could you know... become friends...first... haha, unless..?

No way.

You'll get 1 of each until you get all 13, then it's random.

>tfw need 5 clay for a furniture item for these nook houses

>tfw only have 4 clay

>tfw used up all the clay on these rocks on my island

>tfw only 534 nook miles

he'll buy your fish
but I'm not helping your retarded ass figure out how
this is a fucking kids game user don't let it get the better of you

I can drop off some clay if you want. just post dodo

Bring back the pelicans

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> only 1
Oh thank goodness!

Get more nook miles?

Phyllis is too rude for AC's current fanbase, I'd rather she stay gone then become butchered even further.

Yes gold trophy and all

Holy I shit I didn't know the Reize guy played AC.

Sure thanks man


Can you only move one building a day?


yes, and build 1 bridge/incline a day

Post islands and villagers.

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You can move on building per day, and build/destroy one incline/bridge per day

Correct. Nook will tell you his "hands are too full with moving X's house"

anyone emulating? how do you time travel?

This cat is moving out but I am still on April 6 catching up a bit. Are you a bad enough dude to go back in time and rescue Tangy?

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Phyllis is just a bitch in general. She shouldn't even be considered to be brought back.

>have pic related from the start
>also pompom and caroline
comfiest island

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Can I ask her to move in even if my town is full?
Do I get to pick who to kick out?

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Sorry user, this thread is for people like you

I would love to but I picked up Lolly from another anons village and now her house is seemingly permanently glitched to say "I've moved out" even though I can move her house and shes on my resident list

>Turnip sell price: 19 bells


If I could have 15 slots like game cube I might. But out towns full.

Remove Ankha and this would be a comfy island.

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>this thread is for people like you
evidently so how do i do it?

Nigga just grind the extra miles, the worst ones you can get are the ones asking you to spend miles or to catch an annoyingly specific thing.

No, an unclaimed open lot is required. Make sure you have ten villagers though, the map looked complete when I had nine

Didn't they fix that in one of the last patches? Have you updated the game in the last few days?

post dodo

This threads proof none of you can make OC. You only complain about culture and my sekret club cause you're all desperate to fit in with a group of people who for the majority left this place long ago. Us 07 fags have kids and shit now there's no reason to try as hard as you faggots do. And the thing is you try so hard to blend in you don't even bother to be unique. You just repost the same stupid shit
Seriously name one fucking original Yas Forums meme since Yas ForumsIvian 10 fucking years ago. You're all fags posers wanna bes babies! You'll never go to OZ fest 01 or remember 9/11 cause you were still in diapers. Hell you babies still are it seems living with mommy and can't even write a shitpost without being spoonfed. Fuck you all your all new fags you know nothing of "board culture" your just faggots trying to emulate your older brother even in your 20s. You wanna fix the board make OC otherwise fuck off cause anything else is just more cancer and the best part is you stupid faggots will write some no u tier post in reply and act like your smart or got any emotional response. No you saying u mad isn't trolling putting a camera in a guys ps3 and making his life the truman show is trolling. Now get the fuck off the Internet period not just Yas Forums before your boomer parents snap and poison your chicken tenders to end the burden of a useless son.

thats cheating!
also I didn't knew about this. Probably going to do so since I don't have storage space.

Buy high, sell low.

When inviting a camper, they'll point out that the place is full, and ask if you know if someone is planning to move out. Who you choose is who leaves.

For people who host with high bell selling places for turnips, do you require tips or ask or none? What’s the right approach?

i love the get miles for buying something with miles, it's basically a discount on miles tickets

Thanks for the clay user

How is anyone meant to trade villagers then? Both you AND the person you want the villager off have to have them moving out on their island, as well as someone on YOUR island having just moved out in the last 24 hours? That seems pretty bullshit.

But who else would be good to live on the beach?

This is gonna take a while

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We aren't talking about campers though. We're talking about someone who is moving out on another person's island.

I don't know the right words to describe how much I think you villagers aren't good. Not bad individually but the fact that I can tell you used the campground to only get the "good" villagers just rubs me the wrong way.

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He bought?

Oh, no clue about that then, sorry.