Enough with these shitty threads already. Cringe.
I'm getting tree of savior, might as well try that
Yas Forums, Yas Forums
not in the mood
Fuck off newfag
Just bought Hitman 2 on the steam sell because it's a bitch to get the items to work on a pirated copy. Hate the idea of giving denuvo devs money but I love Hitman. Pretty conflicting.
West of dead beta, yahtzee, spelunky but about to start neon city riders
Riverdale, detective conan
Hawaiian bread with butter
Iced tea
Radiant Historia and some Mark of Kri
Some blue whale videos on youtube. Comfy creatures.
Kengan Omega and Tower of God
homemode pizza
sparkling water
not today
Tired but good. Tomorrow is going to be a bitch though because I need to take care of some work I've been delaying for days now.
I know these threads are tradition but I agree with this guy. These threads always die within 100 posts anyway and nobody ever actually discusses anything. At this point it's just easily farmable data for advertisers.
Escape from Tarkov, FF7Remake, Animal Crossing
Will probably put something on Netflix later
Demon Hunter
Pepperoni Papa Johns pizza
as soon as the post is done
Pretty good.
I work all the time. So i just fap on my bathroom breaks and play polytopia on my phone. Also, any good things to watch lately? Been watching reruns of sg1 after my first sip of the day.
Summers here bois
The Long Dark
I'm not eating anything tonight. I keep purging it because it's unhealthy and makes me feel sick.
Can't now.
Not too great. I'm not happy, but not sad. I broke into tears a bit ago for a minute, but sucked it up and am in this state of feeling physically and mentally exhausted.
I can't keep food down, my throat stings slightly, my entire body aches, and I hate how I'm feeling.
I don't know, HELP
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Cheese steak
Vitamin Water
Smash Ultimate, want to get Mount and Blade II soon
Breaking Benjamin,Skillet,Game OSTs
Yas Forums
hot dog
skirt suits
P5R, fallout 4, and ACNH
RLM, Company Man, Defunct land, steve1989, and 90s xmen
The offspring
had pizza
dr pepper and water
Persona boys
Just eh
>blue whale videos
I can’t explain why but I’ve always loved blue whales. Just such an interesting animal
>Hawaiian bread with butter
Top tier taste my man
Apex with my brothers
Age of ultron
A lot of Ween lately
Thinking of starting The devil in the white city this weekend
Beef tenderloin and green beans
Some beer and water
Bretty gud just relaxing this weekend. Enjoy your weekend anons
>At this point it's just easily farmable data for advertisers.
nigga typing anything on just about any site is farmable data to advertisers
Well then now it's just easily ordered for them in this thread
Whales in general are amazing creatures
Wish I could swim beside them, but at the same time I think I would shit my pants seeing them up close and personal
ESO and maybe some mario maker later
Fargo series
ESO for full immersion
Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path by Steiner
Flatbread pizza
gabbie carter later probably
Ok, I'm working from home due to the crona and it's weird never leaving the house. Reminds me of my WotLK-era NEET days which were the most depressing years of my life desu
Also, I'm in the process of trying to close on a house. Went under contract before the world went to shit. Hopefully the deal will wrap up soon so I can move my quarantine game out of this shit apartment
I'm waiting for GTA IV to finish downloading. I'll play Dark Souls 2 meanwhile
Nothing. Probably some more Attitude Era WWE or WCW
Nothing at the moment. Probably IGOR or Eternal Atake
Ate some delicious pizza. Pepperoni and Mushrooms
7/Eleven Green Tea
Not tonight
Weird. I feel like there was a fever rapidly approaching with some mild chills but it's gone now
get the fuck off Yas Forums LOSER
Don't be boring here too
FF7R. That dart minigame tho
Voodoo Chips
Mellon Brisk
Japanese women fucking and getting came inside by French dudes
Sick of this goddamn fluctuating weather.
SIMPnautica on hardcore
trump press briefing
trump press briefing
amy's frozen food; cheese enchilada and a beans rice and squash bowl (was very very good)
coffee in a thermos thats still hot after 4 hours
haha no that's gay
breddy gud fren
nuGod of War and Chrono Trigger. This is my first time experiencing Chrono Trigger and it's comfy. Just beat the first boss.
Gonna watch Godzilla 2000 later. Never seen it, remember Orga being a fucking badass in the Pipeworks games.
Nothing in particular.
Texts from a friend who I cherish the shit out of.
Just chowed on some leftover lasagna, homemade (not from scratch). Delicious.
Treating myself with a Barq's root beer.
I think I'm getting a hankerin' for 2D milfs.
Pretty comfy, but a lingering sense of "oh fuck you dude." Online job application denied.
Tekken 7
Captain Disillusion
Yas Forums
just had pizza rolls
coke zero
probably doa
I hope P5R becomes playable on PC some way or another
I'd say to wait on getting Bannerlord for now
it's good but damn is it just such a buggy mess of glitches and untested features
I used to hate Dark Souls 2 and then I played 3 and realized I was too hard on 2
Pic related. Dying Light later. And probably start an S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomly playthrough tonight
Venture Bros
Game soundtrack (Hollywood theme is best song in the OST)
(you) guys
Big old ribeye and baked potatoes wrapped in foil, thrown onto the fire. Homemade guacamole for snack food
Jameson shots right now. Still have some Kona IPA in the fridge
Nudes of an ex
Pretty good. Comfy as always during this quarantine. Worrying about my job and school once life gets back to normal.
I get to swim by them when I'm lucky enough to be in the water with them. This whale season has been quiet where I am though. Plenty of hammerheads lately which is cool.
>gabbie carter
Exquisite taste user
>Chrono Trigger
Fucking great taste m8
Farmin’ Sim 19 for the first time
WhatCultureGaming probably
Yas Forums and /asp/
bred with nutella
did earlier to a fanfic where in an alternate timeline Draco is a girl and sexual tension between her and Harry build up to the point they fuck in the room of requirement
shit, depressed, I have OCD, current theme is pOCD, which is the worst I ever had so far (previous themes included responsibility OCD, harm OCD, hOCD, various sexual themes, schiz OCD and suicidal OCD), unironically want to die but can’t bring myself to kill myself, therapist isn’t helping, only person supporting me is my mom but with no success and it makes her sad, I hate everyone equally especially myself
what the heck Long Dark is about? I mean what I saw so far I liked it but I’m not sure what I actually saw
creatures of the seas and oceans are always interesting animals, dolphins, sharks, seahorses, that lamp fish Idk its name in English, so yeah they all interesting creatures
nuGoW is good, solid 8/10
>Dying Light
my nigga
Fate/Grand Order - Olympus
Fuck Demeter
Kingdom SS2
Martin Garrix - Animals
Pizza and spicy fries
Just a regular dirinkin water
>Dying Light
Have you played the DLC; is it worth playing?
Its my first playthrough. Have the DLC installed but gonna try it after I beat it. Most people I've talked to said the DLC was good for it so no clue