Official Ranking

Official Ranking.

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Open your mouth You Big Bayby

botw literally not zelda

Is the Majoras Mask 3DS version any good? I never played the original and I'm not buying an N64 for a single game.

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Looks like a face with a long nose

fuck off link between worlds was good

>Majora's mask

How can LOZ2 not be a legend of zelda game if it has Zelda in the title?

Attached: bigbrainmode.png (755x708, 393.74K)

>LA and Minish Cap that high
>LoZ and Link Between Worlds that low
Welp seems like you have different tastes to me

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>the original
Zoom zoom, read the rules

>MM above OoT

Already the tier list is trash.

botw zelda though


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3DS remake made awful stylistic changes and significantly lowers the difficulty even though it wasn't hard to begin with. Just hack a used Wii and you've got the perfect emulation machine for anything from the NES to Gamecube. If you're still too much of a cheap jew for that, emulate it with m64p.

It has some advantages and disadvantages. I don't think it's as clear cut as OoT3D which is just better than OoT but overall I think you can get a similar level of enjoyment out of MM or MM3D it just comes down to preference.

The 3DS version is okay but they made a lot of changes that are pretty shit. The Zora swimming rework being the most egregious.

hope you're happy living a baseless life

all that matters

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more like a based life

Objectively, Spirit Tracks is C Tier, but I dunno something about that game just resonates with me.

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the only redeeming quality of spirit tracks is zelda herself

t. only zelda games I've played

pretty good, but slightly off

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Now that I think about it I would probably drop OoT down one, though.

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t. user who doesnt know how t. works

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Swap WW and TP and you're right

>LBW that low
Shit taste
If they kept the Zora swimming, Ice Arrows, and Twinmold fight the same as the original it would've been an okay remake

>no Oracles

Windwaker is unfinished trash

i know this is bait but please fucking explain to me in your own words how zelda 2 somehow isn't a zelda game

actually spot on

Even masterpieces among Zelda games don’t measure up to more than ”good” or ”decent”. There is a reason Zelda games are relatively popular with girls, they’re just not very engaging games overall.

>seasons above ages
Whole list in the trash

Because is a link game

Wind Waker has the best combat in the series. It's not a debate.