Does anyone else feel really dissapointed at what could have been. It seems like it was meant to have a chapter or 2 extra and more areas. Not to mention many mechanics clearly intended to be fleshed out that wern't. As well as the fact that rather than Konami making another game without Kojima they just made survive

Attached: MGSV.jpg (316x316, 19.06K)

yes, but I also think that feeling was intentionally stoked in the player, and some of the stuff that was shown to be planned was never actually intended to be made

>Does anyone else feel really dissapointed at what could have been
Everyone did.
It still hurts. Never gonna forgive Jewnami.

You feel it too don't you?

>it's Konami's fault
>when the game was in development for over 5 years and was still unfinished
>Kojima had time to make PT and go to multiple European countries for vacation though

The best part of the MGSV was the MGSV threads before the launch.

Attached: NN37fsP.png (540x540, 227.42K)

Kojima is not the guy doing most of the hard work that takes time though such as programming and level design. He is a director, so he could afford to work on multiple projects

I think the game fell short of what they were wanting it to be (chapter 2 is just strange), but I think more of the game is what they intended than what a lot of people here seem to think. I think KojiPro just overestimated how much interest the sandbox stuff could sustain.

>Kojima is not the guy doing most of the hard work that takes time though
Being a director of a large-scale project takes a lot of time and work. That said, PT wasn't a large-scale project. It was ultimately just a demo for something that never happened; presumably the vast bulk of its development would have happened after MGSV shipped.

And the writer. and the producer.

Dude is a auteur for the worst kind.

Yes, it is Jewnami's fault.
First they drag Kojima and his crew back like 5 times to do more MGS, and only MGS, for 15 years straight.
Then the development of the biggest ensured hit of the 2010s is halted at least twice; first by forcing the splitting of the game into two individual titles, just to "test the ice" with a prologue-like demo game. Then, when it does damn well, the final game is STILL pushed out pre-maturely, leaving tons of promised and even DEMONSTRATED content on the cutting room floor. The gaping holes are then obviously patched with copypasta filler footage.

And even after all this shit, the corporation pulls a total 1984 on their employees, blackmails anyone who dares to criticize their business, and even denies their golden eggs laying goose the right to leave the country for several month.

To make things worse, this ain't even the first time these jackasses have pulled such stunt; they did EXACTLY the same dick move on Team-Silent back in 2005.
Seriously, fuck Konami. THEY should have been hit by a pyromaniac attack.

That is part of the artistic genius in it though. I don’t want to say I believe it but wouldn’t it be absolutely incredible if Kojima directed the team in a way that he was trying to see how long it would take to break the camels back? He milked Konami and in the end they literally severed ties with him and thus the Phantom Pain is more than just the title, it is the feeling it gives itself.

>Does anyone else feel really dissapointed at what could have been
Yeah five fucking years ago. Shit's long over and we now live a in a cursed timeline where Metal Gear is ruined.

>be a huge MGS and SH fag
>first they rape and whore SH around for 10 years, and finally deny its triumphant return to glory.
>then they fuck up the (new) grand finale of MGS, try to pimp the name around for a short period, and then just give up for good.
Old boomers are just ruining the industry.

It was split because by 2013, there was absolutely no end in sight for development because Kojima was too busy making foot textures for Quiet.

Also, go look up how fucking terrible Sega treated their employees back in the 2000s, which was national fucking news in Japan. Not just "rumors" or what Geoff Keighley says.

Konami were paying all the bills, they were well within their rights to expect a game to be finished after 5 years and hundreds of millions in sunk cost.

Still feels weird when I tell people to play Ground Zeroes but avoid The Phantom Pain. Seriously if Kojimbo just scrapped the sandbox world and made a ton of medium sized zones to with lots of stuff to explore I think the game would have been fine. Fuck I still have more fun with Ground Zeroes booking my ass out of the base and to the chopper on the cliffs.

Oh and also Kiefer Sutherland sucked ass.

The biggest problem with MGSV was the way the trailers were edited to tell a different story. The way they cut it made it look like Boss would be betrayed by his comrades and have to turn against them, as well as all the 1984 references feeding this idea of paranoia.

Then once you see the scenes in context none of that theme is portrayed.

Fuck capitalism then, it ruined Metal Gear


It hurts. It hurts so much

I havent played death stranding yet, is it a return to form for kojima?

It ruins everything.

Unfortunately, any other system is even worse.

A finished MGSV would be all I'd play. If the random missions had more flair and the environments filled out.

It's MGSV: Walking Sim Edition. But at least it has a complete story.

People guessed the Venom Snake twist from the very first trailer, and MGS has never been honest in its marketing. Raiden was literally unknown to everyone until MGS2 was released

I recently tried this game for the first time but after playing MGS4 and using the octocamo a MGS game without it feels so... backwards? The octocamo is probably one of my favorite game features ever.

what a disgusting fucking thread

Your a retard who thinks totalitarian regimes are true to the form of socialism

Say what you will about Kojima's writing, but I still take him over whatever bland crap Survive was.

Survive's tapes had more thought and care than anything in MGSV.

>main story is just weird timetravel bullshit
>the tapes chronicle a team struggling to survive without a leader in an unknown land