Animal crossing

Why is this allowed

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This is actually a hilarious example of the sort of emergent user-created gameplay I love
Shame the online is fucking busted

The same people that do shit like this are probably trannies who praise communism on twitter.

Why does it say donate if it's a requirement?

thank you for archiving your source

Who cares bells are meaningless in this game

Reminder that these are the same people who seethe over time travelling because its cheating, turns the game into one big task and they getting their bells honestly

>not playing along with it
are you even having fun

That's pretty funny actually. Waiting for someone to get stabbed over this.

What the FUCK is that font up top!?

Cry me a river, time traveling brainlet

Wasn't this a thing since Wild World though?

Because there lazy.

Anyone got good turnip prices? looking to dump

>spent nearly 2 mil bells teraforming
>Out of money and still not done

They're pretty useful if you wanna develop your island or customize it any way actually.

Wait, terraforming costs money?

Bridges inclines, and moving homes in the process does.

>mfw i got blacklisted from the turnip exchange for stealing jewish redditors forced donations when they were afk and gave the tips to based anons with good turnips prices

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What is this meme, I keep seeing it.

>reading and posting polygon
No, archiving it does not excuse you. Fuck off

How do you get blacklisted? Like they actually pinned a list of users?

good job

die, shill

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whate anime

>that typo in the first sentence
there's no way that wasn't intentional

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you're not worthy

that is so fucked up

>They do it for fake currency
Oh no no no

even if someone spoonfeeds you it's old and hard to find a decent version of. good luck

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sorry i knew what it was the whole time i just wanted the social interaction

Why would you waste your time using Nintendo's terrible online when you can just time travel

This. EVE is unironically full of shit like this and it's the only good thing about it

Are you fucking serious? It's literally been called the "stalk market" since the GC game. Seriously considering killing yourself, underage faggot.

All you need is like 3-4 good turnip runs. Bells in this case hold no real value.

My turnips didn't spike over 130 at all this week so guess I'll just eat the costs this week. What's even the high end of turnip prices? I've been told as much as like 500

It can even exceed 600, but not much higher than that

I don't understand, I haven't played the game. How do the bouncers do anything useful?

The game has player and object collision so, as the article states, a combination of fenced in path (starting where players load into the map) + "bouncers" = a player controlled gate
One bouncer blocks the path, the other picks up items (I'm not sure why the host can't do that though the story states the host had a second player mostly for funsies and to give their second friend bells)

And people still bitch about Tom Nook being a crook.