Is it worth picking up?
Is it worth picking up?
No. Go with elite dangerous instead.
No, there are better things to spend your time on.
I'd consider it if we got corvette class ships : U
Don't listen to this fags, its a good game. if you want to grind for something mindlessly and just chill its the game for you.
If resource gathering and crafting and trading is your JAM then yes. because that's all you basically do.
No. It gets boring real fast.
>can't walk around and explore
That's the only reason I'm asking about NMS instead of Elite.
If you like shit like minecraft and can get it on sale then yeah. Its peak comfy once you get a base set up on a snowy world. I just wish they would let you transplant plants.
does the PS4 version still shit itself after you play it for a while
honestly i pirated it and am having fun, probably better with friends.
with that said, if you're looking for like a trading type game the mechanics for that seem to be very simple here, so just get elite instead, but if you're looking to walk around, build shit, etc then yea it's pretty decent, but i got the feeling like combat never really gets "good"
Its THE best space exploration game, so if thats what you want go ahead.
No other game lets you actually get off your ship and build a base in whatever planet you want.
I guess you can do that in space engineers, but NMS has more content.
For $30 I liked it. Still needs some more unique stuff to find on planets and probably some better options for building like brighter lights and better colors, but I had a fun time seeing the different sorts of worlds and just trying to find some place to build.
Yes, if you get it on sale right now. Don't think it's worth $60 full price
It does have the Minecraft-like benefit of feeling like it's going to keep being updated and improved forever
I understand the complaints but it does sound like a game I'd be into, thanks Yas Forums.
For it to be perfect they only need to add a few things: ships/freighters customization, human character customization, more humanoid like aliens(give me some goddamn alien bitches for fuck sake), and actual civilization in planets so we see some cities or at least villages, maybe with npcs that gives you quests.
Then we would finally have a full realized Mass Effect successor.
Do people still play spengies? I kinda want to get into it after some videos of it popped up in my youtube.
10k people on Steam right now.
good space trucking sim
So whats the best way to make money in NMS?
I have been selling the item you use to learn new blueprints cuz its the one that sells for the most money.
Sometimes I sell gold and silve from meteorites but its not as profitable.
archeology, selling artifacts and bones is great
get it on sale, but also make sure you can actually run it. I got it on sale only to fuck up my computer because i thought upgrading my software would help me be able to run it. Now i cant even run tf2 and i just refunded it anyway.
Do you have a dedicated GFX? What did you do?
This game is fucking boring
I got a PC from fucking 6 years ago and I can run it pretty fine even in high settings.
Though I get stutters when a planet is loading textures and shit. But I also play with google chrome and youtube tabs open so that doesnt help.
Raid research facilities until you can make living glass then set up farms to make living glass.
Or activated iridium mine for low effort
When they add gas giants and lava worlds, maybe.
>windows 10
You have bigger problems than some fucked up drivers.
It runs like arse on my it 2500k and RX480. I played it a while ago and don't remember it being so bad
walking around and exploring is boring and meaningless
So in this month Elite Dangerous got capital ships Star Citizen added player prisons,3 moons and ice dome cities.Meanwhile NMS is getting useless little mechs.
Nice priorities Sean.
I have a laptop that could run tf2 and that was all i needed, but I got greedy when I bought NMS and thought "i just need to update my amd software" I did it but it didnnt read properly. now im stuck with shit.
when was the last time you played? i remember a few months ago i torrented it and it ran like ass but yesterday i tried downloading it again and it runs great on a 1050 ti with a shit 50 dollar cpu i found on ebay
>capital ships
I play E:D and they're useless. The game still has no real objective or goal or gameplay loop. And the capital ships are so outrageously expensive that even multi billionaire bitter-vets like me can't really afford them.