What is it about medieval games like mount and blade that brings out a ton of alt right spergs to shill for them?

What is it about medieval games like mount and blade that brings out a ton of alt right spergs to shill for them?

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The ability to do racial purges in a world loosely based on ours?

Fuck mount and blade.
Kingdom come was the best rpg in the last 10 years.

U dun have to be alt right to enjoy some medieval butter action

A good game but it's absolutely riddled with bugs and the hand to hand combat is absolute dogshit. It just involves the NPC's constantly grappling you.

>ton of alt right spergs to shill for them?
But I’m black user and I shill this game every fucking day? How does that make you feel? I’d post a picture of my steppe waifu but you don’t deserve it you honorary nigger

>if I don't like the game, the playerbase are alt right nazis

Define "alt-right". Personally I love these types of games because they tend to portray more authentic depictions of the medieval era. The devs seem to actually enjoy the time period and don't just use it as a vehicle for muh grimdark "dark ages".

Like said, the game was awful when it came to fight in melee more than one opponent at a time.

Mordhau combat mechanics with kingdom come graphics and mount and blade army management would be the ideal game.

Better than them carrying out their weird fantasies irl desu, think of it as containment.

>A good game but it's absolutely riddled with bugs and the hand to hand combat is absolute dogshit.
sounds like Witcher 3, except for the "good game" part.


fuck off nigger. Nazis have good taste get over it

I'm not really seeing this whole alt-right sperg thing you're talking about. Are you just mad because one shitposter made a nazi flag?

>t. uncle Tom

He's almost certainly still buttblasted about those threads.

Anyone who opposes being ethnically replaced in their own homeland

I love M&B and im a white sharia national bolvshevist

>I’d post a picture of my steppe waifu but you don’t deserve it you honorary nigger
Are you a horsenigger too or did you just marry one?

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He's a black turkic BVLL

>play Bannerlord
>game doesnt have any Jews to purge
Wasted opportunity T B H

they have the aserai, they're semetic enough

>West Empire
>Not Jews

>alt right
??? we're not doing the whole 2016 "pretend jews dont run everything" meme again right?

>implying the caravans arent being driven exclusively by the kikes
They have to be with how long they take to turn a decent profit.



>fantasy romans
The scholo wishes this were true

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>Western Empire
No, the Northern Empire are Romans, South is "Greece" the female "emperor" is a symptomn of their declining empire, West is basically Judea before based Hadrian purged the Jews

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>king doesn't want to give me any fiefs
>workshops make literal pocket change
>the only one to make close to 100 is now in enemy territory
>caravan drains my money for years and gets destroyed
>only source of income is bets on tournaments
How the fuck do I make money?

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you take it by force. being a vassal has always been a sucker's game.


How do I even make a workshop? The only options I get when talking to people is to make caravans.

>be khergit vassal
>get castles and towns I was nowhere near to help take

Have you tried going to a workshop

worth pirating Bannerlord in its current state? i have to avoid torrents because of my ISP and idk if taleworlds is vigilant about that so it's a hassle doing 7 google drive downloads back to back. but chinkvirus has me uncertain about my funds so they must be used sparingly.

>Spend influence to have a clan's fief revoked.
>Spend influence to have that now available fief given to you

Just politics bro.

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I haven't even walked around in towns yet. To used to the warband guildmaster letting me do everything.

>disliking a game with based Byzantine aesthetics

>Queen keeps trying to give me fiefs in enemy territory
>I just want to travel the land doing 100vs100 fights.

The more you assist in a war and the more lords like you the more likely you are to receive a fief. Do as many votes as you can afford and attack as many enemy war parties as you can. You get bonus influence and recognition if you are a solo party, rather than being in an army or as an army leader as well.

What is it about Yas Forums that gets people to bring up politics for no fucking reason

Just vote to relinquish it. You'll get like +50 relation with every other lord and then it will be someone else's problem.