What is Yas Forums buying with their stimulus checks?

What is Yas Forums buying with their stimulus checks?

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Sekiro maybe. Someone talk me into it

Already bought a few watches I hope I'm getting a check I just worry about this shit even though I filed taxes and everything

I'm donating to my favorite streamer on twitch. They deserve it more than I need it.

i'm going to get in in dollars and eat all of it
not like getting dollar hamburgers either, i'm just going to eat the bills

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Rent and food. Next year is going to be tough. Don't be a fool. Please.

You already got yours?

>america shitting their economy by printing out money
yall learned nothing from venezuela?

Half of it is going into savings. As for the rest, I already ordered both FFVIIR & Persona 5 Royal so I guess I'll just import the Konosuba movie's Japanese release.

Op's a fucking retard. Canadians already received their checks, while the American government is still arguing what the amount should be...after they voted in approval of it.

We'll be fine

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Putting it towards my car fund. Saving up for a 2016 or newer Honda Civic



More stimulus, if you catch my drift

a gun to shoot myself with

I already bought a computer and I didn't even need to use my stimulus check. I guess I'll save the rest of the money I have.

We've been printing money since forever

>a few trips to the local asian massage parlors (when they reopen)
>a session or two with an escort
>or maybe a sexdoll
>Master Chief Collection on Steam

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I'm not getting a check because I'm still declared as a dependent. Which is horse shit. I still pay my fucking taxes

Probably just add it to my savings. I'm well off enough that I could spend $1,200 at any time on whatever, so this doesn't change anything.

Im not getting mine because its 2020 and the nigger gov't is sending check by mail to an outdated address instead of allowing me to receive it via direct deposit. A family of spics are going to get it in their mail and dont even have a real way to contact me anymore

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still got my job so...

a new computer. Seriously I have been needing a new one since forever.

US dollar is used as the world's reserve currency, chief trade currency, and the primary currency for oil. America effectively exports their inflation to the rest of the world by being the de facto Earth-Buck. Problem is, if that ever changes the US is fucked.

Exactly three hundred cups of coffee

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How do you know if you are getting it?
I filled out my 2019 taxes like a month ago

>the nigger gov't is sending check by mail
no they're not. The IRS is doing direct deposit if they have your bank account information on file from your past tax return filings. Plus, they're launching a website next week where you'll be able to give them your bank info if they do not have it.

It will be direct deposit if your tax refunds were direct deposit.

I get nothing because my parents filed with me as a dependent and I just got denied unemployment
If I can't find a job before I have to pay off my student loans I'm completely fucked


Gonna save it until this Pandemic blows over and then buy a new TV

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>assuming Yas Forums old enough to pay taxes
>assuming Yas Forums isn’t a neet forum

Nice one

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Using most of it to pay back a family member I borrowed money from.

El leon cree que todos son de su condición, indeed.

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Oh nononono. Better start filling out some applications, sweety. I bet mcshits is still hiring some retard drones!

Nothing. I made too much money last year so I don't qualify.

How can you have student loan debt when theirs programs that literally give you free money to go to school and in return just give good performance to keep giving you free money with no charge unless you shat the bed entirely with how bad you manage that money.

I'm going to spend it all on mobile gacha games.