This is the size of the Xbox Series X

This is the size of the Xbox Series X

Smaller than expected

What do you think

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I'm not thrilled by it being vertical as it won't fit in either of my media centers

you can lay it sideways they said

Holy shit that's fucking huge

not if you lay it flat which they said you can do

The one in the middle looks larger than the one in the right corner


Still bigger than i thought, but it should help with cooling/sound system so that's good for xboxfag

Just hoping sony go for a similar design to reduce the boeing-like sound when playing

fucking HUEG is back

Attached: seriesx.jpg (1280x854, 298.1K)

You can lay it sideways silly

So we can bring back the xbox hueg memes?

Seems smaller than the xbox mini at least

Attached: xbox mini.jpg (648x452, 38.45K)

It looks kind of huge to me.

It's still twice as thick as the Xbone.

>The Worlds Most Powerful console
Holy Sh*t

Attached: XSX.jpg (717x939, 84.15K)

Does that monolith have any airflow at all?

theres a huge fan at the top

That's as big as I thought

So what you're saying is I can float a light object above the xbox sex?

Has an absurd potential for custom designs, wonder what will come out of it.

I like it, designwise

It's literally a PC tower.

I'm warming up to the design. I like how it looks so different - more like a PC.

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I know but its the most in depth look at the hardwware so far


Man console-tan thread is going to have a field day with this.

Yeah, my point still stands.
If they'll do a custom transparent skin, I'll actually buy it.

Honestly, that thing is gorgeous

While I'm sure this is true, it's really weird to me that they haven't shown this yet. You think it would be a big concern for a lot of people. Most people have a tv just sitting on a desk, so the xbone would block it if it's that tall

I still stand by on my take on how she would look like.

Attached: SeriesX_tan2.png (1200x1073, 1.84M)

do console games run at acceptable framerates and not look like blurry garbage yet?


>it's literally just a brick
>Didn't even try to make a design
>It's literally just a rectangle black brick

Are you blind retard?

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>Smaller than expected
So it will overheat just like X360?

So? It's still perfect.

I like the look of it but fuck it’s massive

it's the most efficient shape for airflow and quietness which both matters more in the long run than the shape of the console.

You can clearly see the feet on its side

It's a very masculine shape

>People are going to get a console on how it looks
Do you retards look at the console when playing or something?

I unironically cannot wait to get my hands on one.

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can't fucking wait

Attached: SeX.webm (640x360, 1.83M)

It doesn't matter at all for any sort of rotating parts as long as you don't constantly switch between horizontal and vertical, it will be fine.

I've owned every PlayStation since 1.

This is it lads. Im swapping sides. Im Xbox now. The ps5 looks like fucking trash.

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Welcome. Make sure to sub to gamepass to play games as soon as they release and all other kinds of games.

>guts all fit neatly and slide in with no overlap
Good job on whoever designed this.

(You) when you wake up every morning.

It's just funny that the fan alone here is bigger than the entire switch and people don't understand how the switch can't run games at 4K

That does not look like good airflow.

I never got if these posts are weak attempts at marketing or poor excuses for trolling.

What's up with that swirl thing on her finger

How does Xbox accounts work? Can I make an account on my friends xbone and add games to it and have that account ready to go for when the Xbox drops?

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Xbox is the successor to the Dreamcast.

Even with that giant mega fan?

>(You) when you wake up every morning

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If it's not sitting prope, I can't imagine it'd be good for thermals.

Attached: 1582969478388.jpg (1440x811, 157.05K)

>"V-v-variable frequency!"

Holy shit how pathetic. When the ps5 is maximum overclocked it can't even match Xbox stock clocks. That's just sad.

Im assuming these companies develop their consoles in total undercover secrecy and basically just have to go on blind on what the competition is doing right?

Because Sony seems to have absolutely love balled and underestimated MS because they fucked up.

I hate that weak

she cute

it has an excellent airflow. the fan is custom made. watch the video

Man even Norman would rather have the XSX.

The fan's giant, that's great. But where does the air go? It hits the top of the components and goes out. Ideally, it should go alongside their entire length.

Ewww how am I even going to hide it in the living room cabinet when it's a literal block? Guests will be able to see it.

PS5 can't even have both max cpu clock and max gpu clock at the same time btw