RE resistance

When does Annette get good?

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Level 20. She becomes a monster.

What happens at lvl 20?

Jill's actually coming out pretty soon. I wonder what her perks and shit are.

You get the card that reduce the cost of creatures. Spam creatures in a room and buff them in area 3.

She gets so much stuff by that point to reduce costs that she can spam lickers at 3 energy cost instead of their default 7.

I'm banking on her personal skill being either lockpicking or dodge with a cooldown.

Her ultimate could be anything at this point.

I'm gonna guess they'll probably have her start with skills that either give her more inventory space or else bake in stuff that makes her start with more ammo / money or something along those lines, like how Jan already does more damage to cameras but we have EMP 1 & 2 perks to unlock for survivors. They could even have her do more damage with firearms since she's a pro and all that, compared to the other survivors like Becca just being normal people.

I win in Area 1 so much with Annette the game is actually getting a bit boring for me

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You mean instantly opening locked doors? That would be neat.

It's something she's notable for, as well as expanded inventory in the first game, and would also oddly play into how she's gone against Spencer in the past and could make her like another counter for him besides everyone relying on Jan making or breaking the experience.

I would help you guys keep the threads alive if I wasn't actually playing all this time. Shame the game seems dead already on pc; it's pretty lively for the time being on ps4 but I fear that really won't last much longer than 2 months tops. It'll keep me busy til predator at least, then whatever time sink comes after that.

Gonna try and do an explosives round with low level Alex in a few, wish me luck

I really wish this game was more popular. It's the best multiplayer RE game by far. Capcom really have to make some moves to reach bigger audience i'm pretty sure every RE fan can enjoy this.

Honestly I think Capcom will get out as much as they put in. If they keep support going despite the low player count for a bit, while they fix the matchmaking and add content, then by the time this game goes on sale it could get a big jump.
The thing is, asymmetrical games generally aren't that popular in the first place, even DBD which is the most popular. I'm really not sure what their plan or scope was for Resistance. Did they think people would flock to this game, or did they plan for growing their playerbase over time? I just don't know.

Given that when they revealed it, they mentioned a single player mode that doesn't exist in the final product as far as we're aware, it may have honestly just been planned to replace the merc mode from RE3R and left at that, since the balance is waaaay off and there's no real way to monetize it with the finite amount of chest and cosmetic drops, and boosters don't cut it to entice people into long term play when it just lowers the amount of time they'd be invested with the level ups they could be getting.

I don't see it lasting as something people play with randies on a regular basis. I think part of the problem with asymmetrical games in general is they rely heavily on teamwork and if nobody on your seem is communicating (via mic or text) then you're going to have a bad time. I do think it'll survive for a long time as something that a group of friends can boot up and play for a night.

Anyone know a way to cheatengine the MM levels? Sick and tired of the stupid grind.

It's possible since people are showing up as level 999 MM in some matches in the open now, so just dig a bit deeper.

So is everything in this game client sided? What are the odds people doing stuff that affects gameplay?

mastermind is always the host so they could manipulate the fuck out of the game if they wanted

There's already stuff of people affecting gameplay, like survivors having unlimited throwables, or a match I played last night that refused to let us move into the first door in Downtown and kept slingshotting us back out while making enemy zombies invincible. Also some people were playing with time like making it go to -9999 and things in the first day or two of the game going live.

Oof, glad I don't play on PC.

Between the fact that the game has no anti-cheat and people are actively abusing that, changing their locations to the most active region at any given time to flood match maker with shitty MMs that lag to the point damage doesn't even register, as well as dropping to 1/3rd it's peak player count in just a week, it's pretty rough playing on PC at this point.

Reposting the begining of a guide an user wrote in case anyone is interested:

Im in the middle of writing a guide for how many and what items are in each map. Im testing each map 3 times and making a list of each area. Ill give a quick sneak peak since im down with downtown
>Each area has between 300-400 credits dont forget thats for each survivor so combine that with the 250 you start with and the 300 for breaking the cores and you get roughly 1600 credits per survivor per game
>There seems to always be a 2x4 and 2 repair kits in each area
>About 1 of each herb in area 1 with 4 greens and 2 of the other 2 in area 2 and 3
>About 40 rounds in area 1 and 70 in area 2 and 3
Ive also been doing it as val and keeping a short note of nade drops and im not sure if im lucky or what but im getting about a 1/3rd chance of a nade per zombie killed. In one test game I had fuckin 5 flash bangs. Item drops for survivors need better testing then what im doing.

>she can spam lickers at 3 energy cost instead of their default 7.
Not really. Once you throw in all those discount cards you spend so much energy popping them and getting them out of your hand so you can actually get a licker card to play that you end up with no energy and fewer creatures. You're better off just settling for a constant -2 creature cost, pumping up creature damage and running energy leech enhancers.

Capcom actually stole my asym idea. Is the game at least good?

I enjoy it

your idea sucked man. I uninstalled the game already.

I'm finally done with the RE3 main game

are there still people playing the multiplayer on PS4?

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PS4 probably has the largest population.

Yeah, loads. Matchmaking is a bit fucky tho.

Shitter site doesn’t.
>put in username, Console, nothing

Log into my account that’s linked to my PS4

>Still nothing

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Capcom is strangling the life out of it with the $60 + tip paywall.

>Release one of the only games that legitimately could dethrone Dead By Daylight, even without the pop culture appeal of horror movie franchises and series
>Don't release a standalone version, tie the game to a 4 hour singleplayer remake and charge full price

Capcom doesn't know what they have here, it's obvious. They need to be supporting this shit NOW when it's still hot.

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Yeah and if they groups queue together on comms, it completely fucking gimps the killer/mastermind just like with DBD where now you literally laugh at and teabag the killer because they stand no chance.

>There's a buffed licker sitting right outside of spawn
>Tyrone misses his kick

Thank god they can't open doors

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Jap businessmen being Jap businessmen. To them the game's target audience is Resident Evil fans, not asymmetrical multiplayer game fans.

She activates the can't win protocol

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what about Spencer?

So you’re the one to blame, get fucked user and have a happy Easter!

>we lost clock tower for this?

I mean, you guys do realize this game received unanimous negative attention when it was first revealed right? Bundling it with RE3 was probably their attempt to salvage this from being a flop.
Turns out, RE3 is the game no one wants to play, but Resistance is the one that's getting the attention. It's not like they could have known with all the negative shit people threw at this game.