Are you really going to let the last hour of it being Nomura retardation completely ruin the entire game for you?

Are you really going to let the last hour of it being Nomura retardation completely ruin the entire game for you?

Attached: 3532489-final fantasy 7 remake.jpg (1280x718, 129.47K)

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Hell no. The last chapter was a gut punch but Im ready to buy the part 2 the day 1. It was like having sex with your dream girl and in the end she takes a dump on your face but immediately after promises she wont do it again and she'd like to have another go and you know she's lies about not shitting but you are ok with it becasue the risks are minimal compared to possible rewards

Based logical user

I used to ask the same thing to retards that hate on ME3 because they did not their personal ending that catered to only them.

GIANTMONKEYBUTT and SHROOMASTER both maintain that the last hour is the best part.
Who are we lowly peasants to argue?

Attached: SHILL WHAT SHILL ME NO SHILL.gif (692x515, 712.33K)

Please stop spamming this, It's not funny anymore.

Take your meds

Are you really going to judge the artistic value of a video game based on water filter deliveries and rat slaying? Qips between character? A combat system that's not even excellent? All while ignoring major faults in the story and other sectors?

Same with Shenmue 2 ending.

The ending is hardly the only bad thing about the game. The game is essentially a repackaged FFXV and has most of the same problems. I don't think Squeenix has it in them to make a decent RPG anymore.

Spoiler me. I don't even care anymore. What ruined the game in the end to make a resetera tranny want to kill himself?

It wasn't a 1 for 1 remake even though squeenix said it wouldn't be

Time travel is involved in some way and Sephiroth is aware of future events (or is actually from the future, it's unclear) and is trying to prevent them from happening by altering the present. The TIME GHOSTS show up to stop any discrepancies to the timeline. It leads to very wacky scenes like Cloud about to kill Reno but the time ghosts show up and blow him away.
The last hour of the game is incredibly AC-centric and involves Sephiroth throwing buildings at the party and whatnot.

This poster is being disingenuous; the game is barely a remake at all, more like a reimagining using Midgar as a setting and shares little in common with the original game except the characters and some of the story beats (which end up being altered). It was advertised as a faithful remake for years but it is very much not. A decent comparison is the Eva rebuild movies.

I know that from seeing the ghosts but what in particular about the ending made the game drop

It was ruined from the start when it was released as less then half a game

Serious question. How many parts was this remake supposed to be again? I recall hearing 3 total. But all this added stuff now about defying fate and reality jumping Sephiroths and Zack not being dead anymore in a different reality.

And whether or not you liked the original story or thought it was overrated it still had a shit ton of moving parts and characters. So now how the fuck are they going to do all this new stuff in two more parts on top of the other original FF7 storyline?

far worse than this

nomura going full spaz

>advertised as a faithful remake

No it wasn't
just look for yourself. Imagine being a normie and thinking that you're vaguely playing a legit remake up until this point(you weren't, but normies might not realize since they haven't lpayed ff7 in a while and it's s decent game)
all of a sudden you're in KH 9.2 with omega one wing sephiroth telling you "fuck this remake", then zack is alive, then the game tells you "see you later in the UNKNOWN" implying it's not a remake at all, and you wanted to play a FF7 remake

it's a spit in the face

I think most normies will know something's up when they see the time ghosts for the first time and the lengthy initial Sephiroth cutscene, but they'll let it slide as a quirk of the remake. After all, they never said it would be 1:1! Remakes always change stuff around!
Then they get to the end and the game drops any and all pretense of being a remake. I think people are going to be really upset and it's only a matter of time until there is a large backlash.

No, the level design already ruined it for me way before I got to the ending. The story changes were the least of my complaints. Zoomers can lie all they want the original FF7 did NOT have FF13 dungeons!

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This is actually a pretty good remake, but a mediocre game in general.

I'm getting vietnam flashbacks to ff13, fuck

I think it being a texture mess, soulless music that try to make themselves awesome but sometimes become messes, cutscenes up the woohaa in the middle of boss fights and the massive linearity in the game 18 years after GTA 3 is what made the game worse than what I expected. Not completely ruined as they added good things in it, but close enough.

It became quickly obvious that this wasn't a proper remake with a few new additions around the time Hojo gets comically dragged out of the lab by the fate ghosts.

>soulless music

Unironically wrong

Any tips on what Materia or meta abilities to use? I'm really fucking shit at this new combat system

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its fucking crazy just how much of this game is actually lifted directly from kingdom hearts,like someone says a word they're not supposed to say and they literally cannot fucking say it like when they tried to say 'photo' in the first bit kh2

The music is fucking bland at best. At worst it doesn't even belong in a FF game let alone the FF7 fucking remake.

It's shit tier.

>The wife is upset because she couldn't go to her boyfriend today but had to stop me from taking a bottle of aspirine and read me bedside fanfiction
Based nomura Chad.

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I hope the fucking retards at SE take it to heart but I know that's not happening.

It should be obvious during the demo that it's not a proper remake.

Now, now, SHROOMASTER, there's no need to be shy. All the world should know the blessing of your journalistic prowess!

the occasional techno/dubstep music sounds fucking awful

Really? THAT'S the best your writer could come up with? At least go get the guy who knows how to use periods in English.

it's almost never about the journey, it's mostly about the destination.
If an end portion of something sucks it will leave the strongest impression on you, the end can make or break a story.
If you are selling me something that is mostly focused on the story than you better make a satisfying end otherwise you're not getting a good review from me.
I like to say that the end is 50% of the game for me.
If you botch the end in a story based game than what's the point in me playing the game to reach something that won't satisfy me?

A couple chapters in and so far it's a pretty lackluster title. If it wasn't for the OG characters and game world this would be a pretty banal JRPG.

No I like it and the old one still exists and I still like that one.

It's not just the last hour that's bed, it's just the most egregious. Much like Mass Effect 3 before it, there's really awful shit spread throughout the game it just gets ignored because that one particular thing is so fucking retarded

I still think it's funny.

Dude, it's like they heard themes like One Winged Angel and Crazy Motorcycle Chase and decided how to top it the hard way, and they couldn't even achieve that. Just do a Xenoblade and get a higher budget orchestra, no need to turn it into a riddled mess. J-E-N-O-V-A and the battle theme were at least updated instead of some idiot coming in and thinking 'Hmm, what bullshit can I add to this instead of modernizing'

Do you think GIANTMONKEYBUTT uses his random stolen facebook thumbnail and writes his name in ALL CAPS on his Steam profile as well?

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>it's almost never about the journey, it's mostly about the destination.

This is why you live a miserable life