You fuckers are delusional if you seriously think this isnt better than the original
>more fleshed out characters >combat is easily the best in a JRPG in the last 10 years >visuals are incredible >story is good, not amazing but better than the originals >music is subjective but personally it exceeds the originals soundtrack >sidequests flesh out the world even more
Realy don't get why you guys are hating on it, just because the ending is kind of silly? Its a fucking anime game. You're not supposed to take it so seriously.
>more fleshed out characters Barely >combat is easily the best in a JRPG in the last 10 years No >visuals are incredible What modern big title doesn't? >story is good, not amazing but better than the originals The story WAS the original until the end. >music is subjective but personally it exceeds the originals soundtrack's BECAUSE it's the original soundtrack. >sidequests flesh out the world even more They absolutely do not. They are a time sink.
Jeremiah Lopez
This. Its like Nomura turned into the Todd Howard of character development.
Owen Young
>>more fleshed out characters They're not even the same characters. Tifa and Sephiroth are almost completely different from their originals. Jessies's cute crush turned into full on slut mode. The only characters who actually got fleshed out are Biggs, Wedge, Aerith and a little bit of Cloud.
Eli Mitchell
>sidequests flesh out the world even more
Levi Thomas
literally all of these points are wrong
Elijah Miller
>NEXT DLC: CLOUD FILES HIS TAX RETURNS! I would rather have a whole game about this than watching any more fake Tifa
Matthew Turner
B-B-But both GIANTMONKEYBUTT and SHROOMASTER gave it a perfect 10/10! How can you go against that?!
none of the things they added to the story felt like things that were missing from the original. its like an anime adaptation of a manga where they add a bunch of filler episodes that have nothing to do with the main story. when i was playing the original i never thought "this could use some fetch quests where you go around killing rats" or "this unimportant side character should have a backstory". the ONLY reason to expand it was so they could turn it into its own game and make more money by selling the game in separate parts. there is absolutely no good reason why any 4 hour section from a game should be extended into 30 hours.
Jack Morales
>more fleshed out characters Lets make Jessie into a desperate idiot.
Delusional nostalgia boomers will tell you that the crappy turn based battles that require zero skill other than pressing Attack and selecting the most powerful magic is better than the battles that are in here.
Ignore them. They are boomer and they are stuck in the past.
It's pretty clear you never played the original. Stop posting.
Matthew Allen
It's better than the original Midgar sequence, but still feels like 1/4 of a game.
Samuel Anderson
SHROOMASTER! Fancy seeing you here again.
Leo Edwards
Jessie was always thirsty.
Xavier Smith
The original didn't have poorly done padding out of the ass and maintained a much better pacing.
Ryder Collins
Especially when gamers have proven to be very stupid time and time again. When I play multiplayer team based games, 90% of the time I join with the most clueless retards.
Aaron Cruz
Cope harder faggot
Anthony Peterson
>desperate idiot She was literally an actress. Wedge even tells Cloud that the whole thing is a game to her. She's just playing a part she invented.
Lucas King
The original was shit. The remake is a thousand times more interesting. Only the faggot losers on Yas Forums hate on it.
Not cool that they still killed of Jessie, though. Fuck the remake.
Angel Cox
>>more fleshed out characters
I only like fleshed our characters if they're female, designed by the Japanese and naked.
Charles Evans
Time travel/multiverse subplot is great for people coming back. Not so great for first timers.
First timers can suck boomer dick and buy the original. Nobody cares about them.
Lucas Johnson
this The female first timers can suck my dick.
Ethan Long
There is literary nothing wrong with being a time jannie.
Gavin Price
Nigger, the original Midgar was at most 6/7 screens. All of the shit in OG Midgar is no longer impressive, it's laughable to an audience that has no nostalgia or fond memories for this stuff. All of this supposed 'acclaim' and 'superiority' that you think is there in original is all in your head - it's fucking nostalgia. That's all it fucking is. If modern day reviewers were to review the same game in the modern age, it'd get a 1/10 and that's being generous.
Just accept that the stuff that Remake does is way better than anything the original could throw at you.
There is not one single boss battle in FF7 OG that can even remotely compare to the weakest boss battle in FF7R. That's without even going into all the highlights.
Honeybee Inn and the entire Wall Market is a 100000000% improvement over OG.
You delusional nostalgia boomer faggots need to get the fuck out of gaming and find yourself a new hobby - this one clearly isn't for your boomer ass anymore.
Isaiah James
this is an easter egg dipshit
Wyatt Morgan
After watching some levels, the "dungeon"'s look kinda tedious.
Kevin Myers
>more fleshed out characters The characters are either exactly the same, held down by terrible performances(outside of Barret). Even somehow the Japanese sounds off despite as far as I can tell it's mostly the same cast.
Or the characters just overdone filler material that ruin their character, like Jessie.
Hudson Jones
They did it for free
John Johnson
Nice reddit spacing, shill. You can go back now.
Aaron Cook
>all those poorly designed fights comparing to the regular ass bosess in the first disc You tried.
Sebastian Young
Shut the fuck up.
Jayden Lewis
I think Jessie is great. People who don't like her don't even like girls anyway, so there is bias coming from them.
Justin Hall
GIANTMONKEYBUTT, stop ignoring me. I'm literally your biggest fan!
Liam Harris
Jessie is actually kino if you start to understand her headspace. She's a theater thot who was brought into a terrorist group by her father's illness. Of course she still tries to play parts for various people while actually feeling nothing.
Oliver Reed
How lonely are you?
Justin Rivera
It's good but it goes without saying that the original is far superior
> hi i am shit at gaming and can barely manage selecting an attack with a cursor inside a menu, this new combat is bad because it requires me to do more
filtered. again, the world moved on, you are still stuck in the past it seems.
Jose Flores
>If modern day reviewers were to review the same game in the modern age, it'd get a 1/10 and that's being generous.
What the fuck kind of argument is this?
Narrative doesn't really age the same way as gameplay, you dumb chink; this is why people still read books written centuries ago and still enjoy them.
Bentley Martinez
>that apartment door that shows up in multiple cutscenes
WTF were they thinking did they even play test this garbage?
Jose Cooper
Both have shit stories
James Moore
You sure showed that strawman, game journo.
Jose Clark
LMAO Looks like this tranny are seething and ready to yell out INCEL Pathetic.
Nicholas Davis
>>more fleshed out characters
I'm so tired of this. You realize they took all the character development out of the rest of the game and shoved it into the midgar part right?
There's going to be so much recovering of ground later in the game it's gonna be tedious to listen to.