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Why is this guy such a thin-skinned faggot? Literally cannot take any criticism

the same could be said about americans

power often attracts narcissists

it's true for both

He's an authoritarian dictator. Any kind of dissent towards him can't be allowed because not having absolute control is a threat to his position.

It's actually a godsend.
>make little indie game
>blows the fuck up
>you get some buds to work with you
>make a new game
>it has blatant "FREE HONG KONG" and anti-China stuff in it
>the big publishers won't ever try to buy you through underhanded shit

Chinese like English has both the /l/ and /r/ phonemes so a Chinese is perfectly capable of saying "Animal Crossing"

I don't know if you've heard, but allowing criticism of you to happen unchecked is counterproductive in a dictatorship.

Is he going to get away with causing this entire mess, bros? It's not fair when evil doesn't get a comeuppance.

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okay chink

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Sounds like Trump, lol.

you just proved him right

I'm sure to you it actually does somehow.
How many late night show hosts has he had arrested and gulag'd yet?

This has gotten so silly.

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WHo's going to stop him exactly? Mainland Chinese either don't see the criticisms, are too brainwashed to see them as legitimate, or trained to furiously attack at any hint of negativity towards their government since not snapping back fervently enough gets you a visit from the Chinese secret police.

bros... im gonna... im gonna... im gonna CHING CHANG CHOOOOOOM

Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs the country that is China.

I WISH Trump was half as bad as you faggot westerners make him out to be. Then maybe your pampered little ass would know what real strife was.

In a totalitarian shithole like the soviet union or communist china brutal repression is necessary, and if decide to go easy all of a sudden you are fucked. Look at what happened when gorbachev tried to give people freedoms and elections in the 1980s, the entire system and the soviet empire collapsed.

China is shit

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>any ability to communicate whatsoever must be banned because it can potentially be used to transmit anti-PRC rhetoric
How the fuck do you even end up pursuing a course like that, I mean how do Chinese people even talk to each other

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Ha, fuck you.

>Trump isn't as bad as people say
>Almost started World War 3 because he was furious that some Iranians bombed their own soil
>Blocked and refused to do anything about a worldwide pandemic hitting America because he was convinced it was a fictional hoax invented by the Democrats and that literally every country on the planet was in on it
Dude's a fucking moron and basically shitcanned any chance he has of winning the next elections.

you try running a country with an iron fist with zero consequences and not go crazy with power.
anyways FUCK CHINA.

Yes. The problem is that while everyone sees China as an enemy, they also see China as an opportunity. In fact, the CCP might end up stronger than before, they've successfully propagandized the virus into something to be proud of.

>and basically shitcanned any chance he has of winning the next elections.
Sadly, too many idiots still support him for that.

who gives a shit. fuck the slitty eyed fuckers

Out of all the criticism of Trump, the dumbest is "he's gonna start a war with Iran" when he's spent his entire fucking term avoiding a war with Iran that all of his opponents are salivating for

>they've successfully propagandized the virus into something to be proud of
talk to literally anyone and they will not share this sentiment

Yeah, he didn't totally carpet bomb Iran for no fucking reason.
Oh wait

They use officially approved, government-backdoored communication channels that are most likely automatically analyzed by AI for wrongthink and keep logs indefinitely.

I'm talking about domestically. Chinese people actually believe that the CCP contained the virus.

retard, any other president would have gone to war. Trump did everything he could to avoid war with Iran.

How can we have an argument here? We don't live on the same planet. We don't live in the same reality. There is no godamn war with Iran and if Hillary Clinton were POTUS we'd be two years into the occupation already, there's nothing to debate here

>There is no godamn war with Iran
Trump was certainly trying. Lucky his carpet bombing Iran to kill one general didn't backlash hard on us.


it's required to be a world leader, apparently. you need to be a little bitch with thin skin and a bloated ego.

Depending on the economic impact on other countries, they should want to financially pillage China for compensation.

Obsessed AND rent free.

and a kike enabler

Yes, Trump is not as bad as Xi Jinping. That's not that a difficult feat, but don't change the context of the statement.

>yeah but what if all this shit I imagined happened
I can't argue with your prognostications or psychosis, I can only discuss what actually happened, and that's no godamn war

Fuck off homo.

He'll arrest them once he wins again a second term.

Are you saying Trump didn't bomb Iran? Because that's literally a thing that happened you braindead monkey.

remember:someone criticising china's government does not imply support for the USA's. That person might not even be American for all you know.

CCP shills are never any good at what they do. Your monstrous government will collapse, faggots

You're saying Trump tried to start a war, you delusional fuck

It's not like his opposition wasn't a warmongering neolib too.

He's not a dictator. The party still has more power than he does. If he fucks up, the party could still remove him.

America lives rent-free in the Chinaman's brain, like the reincarnation of their Manchu gods.