I'm not buying this shit if it's First-Person.
Yea. It's how it is. Don't try to convince me otherwise.
it will be
it's gonna be second person trust me bro i got a handjob from someone's mother that worked a capcom and she told me
its also about gay ass villagers again and werewolves lmao
capcom is so fucking pathetic
1st or 3rd are fine with me.
I really enjoyed 7 and 2R... I'll probably like 3R when it hits like, 60% off.
I hope they're done with the black goop monsters though.
They weren't interesting, visually fun or fun to fight...
I'm sick of OTS garbage infesting this series. Anything else is an improvement.
First Person works brilliantly with Resident Evil's focus on scavenging for resources and 7 did an excellent job of putting items in tricky places that really rewarded exploration. (Even if the pill that allowed you to see everything hidden was a cheap cop-out)
You know I'm right.
first person is the chad person. It is not only more immersive and intense but it also requires an impressive amount of skill to master a first person game, given that you must have great awareness of your surroundings in game.
>Relies on jumpscares too much
>Excuse to put in unskippable cutscenes just because "you're in control"
>Cutscenes are overall boring to watch even if skippable due to being forced in the perspective of the character.
>No fun unlockable costumes
>Can't see character
No thanks.
Well that's nice faggot
cope, weeb
resident evil is going to play out like true AMERICAN games now haha
Good. Because without third-person, we lose the secondary waifu fags that shit up every fucking RE thread now.
user, most American games are third person, over the shoulder shit.
Too bad after REmake3 underwhelming performace normies wil eat up the first person RE as a fresh evolutionary step from RE7 thus selling alot
I just want the good old Zoombies
>camera perspective having anything to do with the amount of jumpscares in a game
99% of jap games are 3rd person
OP here. Move to this new thread
I just hope they don't make it another flat FPS, it should be VR exclusive.
You got twice already for fuck sake
I'd be surprised if they even bothered with VR on any platform a second time. This is Capcom, anything to reduce expense and maximize profit. There's probably a bean counter somewhere who determined it's a few dimes cheaper to just not bother.
VR doesn't sell
nobody cares about what you think, user
>Can't see character
Everyone said the same thing about RE7 and it was still great.
I will, get rekt
Not only based, but redpilled. Resident Evil 7 was incredibly well designed in that regard, and the first few hours (before the ship) was brilliant and was just about the best a "cinematic" style game like that can be in regards to things like boss fights, resource management, enemies, etc.
pleb filtered