Wtf I love china know

Wtf I love china know .

Attached: 20200411_183712.jpg (720x927, 308.56K)

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>japan hates china
how is this news

What topples dictatorships is inability to repress, not the protests themselves

Hello based department

What this has to do with japan

I love the china man they understand real entertainment

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>loving China for any reason

>game about animals where you cant torture or eat them
>China hates it


In the inevitable war with China, Japan has the west's back, right?

Attached: 15400440121430.png (1024x1390, 1.02M)

How long until they ban sticks and dirt?

Japan hasn't been ready for war since WW2

Absolutely. South Korea has good relations with the US, too, but they're a wild card when it comes to matters concerning China.

It has nothing to do with Japan

Fuck China.

SK isn't stupid enough to side with China, not only because they know they will simply become NK 2.0 but also because they are heavy dependent on America.

>says the 12 year old
Mods, get this kid outta here

One of these protesting faggots hacked my league account just to spam their garbage. I got it back, but I fucking hate chinks now.

>but I fucking hate chinks now.
Nobody fucking likes them, bro


Why is that rat so aggressive? And where can I find more of these?

>Japan ever missing an opportunity to rape and butcher chinks

imagine having a son this idiotic, god

WW3 when?

Japan has no relevant armed forces. If you mean Americans using Japan for staging bases then sure.

You have to use the archive


It's a nice story where kkk rat btfo everything

Attached: 1586326617094.webm (700x394, 1.92M)

Fucking soon I hope. Invading mainland China with Japan and Germany is going to be surreal as fuck.

Self Defense Force exists

I would think that they banned it to stem the tide of the price-gouging from resellers rather than believing the words of Justin Wong, but chances are people will just say I'm a puppet of Pooh or something instead.

>Corona-chan confirmed to be a biological weapon released by China that crashed the world's economies and killing a shit ton of people.
Its only a matter of time now.

Good luck with the weaponized bats white devil

this makes me uncomfortable

South Korea is far more dependent on China, dude, they're neighbors. China's force projection is a joke right now, but they at least have the capability to invade their neighbors. It's in South Korea's best interest to claim neutrality, so long as North Korea and China don't make a move on them. Neither South Korea nor North Korea share the same level of enmity towards China that The US and Japan do. In fact, China and both Koreas are united in their hate for Japan.