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Left is for hetcoomers
Right is for yuricoomers


What debate? Both owned by Bandai Namco

>music that ranges from ok to pretty good
>decent story
>good characters
>the most bland cookie cutter idol pop trash music you can imagine
>horrible story
>horrible characters
love live is only good for porn


lick umi


That's all there is to it.

*Faps to Takane*
*Faps to Nozomi*
A shame that the later Love Lives didn't have a tit cow like Nozomi.

I'd fuck all of them.

Love Live has soul
aqours took it away, but nijigasaki made it soulful again

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Have you seen Emma Verde? Her chest is bigger than Nozomi's

Wtf is wrong with their faces

>aqours took it away

What're you talking about? Aquors is like, so much better than Muse.

Post sachiko

>Reboots entire brand because one of the voice actresses was in a porn video

Idol culture is pretty cancer.


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Nitta Emi

I don't remember the exact details bot Honoka's VA was in a JAV video years before Love live under a different name and not long after it came to light muse was pretty much written out of everything besides the gacha game.

>love live
cute girl i can self insert as
ugly man i can self insert as

i rest my case

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I haven't. Her wiki page looked interesting.

I await her anime and increased output of porn.

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It's a shame the 765 im@s girls never got a western release. The anime and movie were cash, only known for the mobile game nowadays though.

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The lack of loli idols makes love live irrelevant.

lol LLfags thinking they can even begin to compare to im@s

ll have the same shit anime face unlike im@s

But Nico and Ruby

They have Nico Yazawa. She's not loli, but she's close enough.

>9 well developed characters
>vs two dozen safe and focus group tested archetypes and sad panda tags
it’s the same familiar tune again

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*record scratch*

I'm a fan of both. I masturbate to Takane and Maki.

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>love live
>well developed characters