Yas Forums's Top 5 Favorite FPS Poll

It's open-ended, so try to be clear with your FPS titles. You can keep the thread bumped by posting your favorites, but only the actual poll responses count since it ensures you can only vote once.

For me, it's:
>1) Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>2) Team Fortress 2
>3) Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
>4) F.E.A.R.
>5) Left 4 Dead

Attached: Doom 1993.png (640x400, 275.95K)

Link to the poll is in pic related, I can't type it out because Yas Forums thinks it's spam. I'd use Google Forms, but that requires people to sign into Google to vote, so fuck that.

Attached: FPS Poll.png (1260x1232, 97.08K)

Put spaces and a dot in the url to save time

I've tried all kinds of combinations in preparation for the thread, but Yas Forums really hates surveymonkey

>1) Bioshock: Infinite
>2) Overwatch
>3) Borderlands 2
>4) Destiny 2
>5) Perfect Dark Zero

these lists better be bait, good lord

1. Overwatch
2. Black Ops II
5. Apex Legends

ok boomer

Update #1

Attached: FPS Poll.png (869x439, 26.5K)

>1) Half Life 1
>2) F.E.A.R. 1
>3) Descent 2
>4) HeXen 1/2
>5) Quake 1

1.Team fortress 2
2.Half life 2
3.Half life
4.Doom eternal

1.Team Fortress 2
2.Half-life 2
4.Doom eternal
5.Doom 1993

Doom II
Doom 64
Doom (2016)
Doom Eternal

> no Doom 3

i dont identify as boomer, my taste in fps just isnt fucking garbage

>no Doom 3

>new bad
>old good
ok boomer

Thanks for bumping the thread, but to clear again, only the actual SurveyMonkey poll responses will count toward the final vote.

Counter strike
Half life
Half life 2

Only question is gonna be whether Doom or Half-Life gets the number 1 spot

tf2, l4d, perfect dark zero and rtcw and relatively old games and theyre still shit
try again

Alright, should I try to clean up my votes? I don't think having HeXen 1 and 2 is possible.

Yeah, one game per rank

post your top 5, boomer

>no blood anywhere
Makes me a little sad

Attached: 1586601036784.gif (220x245, 17.28K)

Cast your vote bro


What does the poll look like currently?

Yeah I already did, just surprised there's not even one other vote yet

I'm sorry Blood bro. I guess it's just not a game that's on most peoples mind. I'm surprised FEAR is as high as it is.

Can I put light-gun rail shooters that are in a first-person perspective? This will change my answer significantly.

Attached: 1575511658082.png (790x586, 911.38K)

doom (ultimate/2/final)
hexen (1&2)
descent 1&2)
quake 3
doom eternal

Update #2

Attached: FPS Poll.png (879x439, 29.1K)

Yeah, go for it. Everyone has their own definition of FPS. Some would say Deus Ex is not an FPS while others would

Attached: 1572193308042.jpg (480x360, 24.02K)

I really really hate the beginning of FEAR 1. It's just really slow and the supernatural shit comes across as cheesy and predictable. Does it get better or something or does Yas Forums have still taste?

>counter strike 1.x
>perfect dark
>doom 2
>quake 1
ordered by hours played

How early are we talking about, because honestly all I remember from FEAR is super high speed shooting against the clone soldiers

hopefully you will get better taste as you play more games

>shit fortress 2 still leading

if someone says dude sex is primarily fps they are flat-out wrong, who cares about their definition

yes, there's always been a strong tf2 population on Yas Forums user

To be completely honest, about 30mins to an hour. I really wasn't in the mood for what felt like a slow beginning

1. cs 1.5
2. tribes 1
3. quake live
4. ut2k4
5. far cry 3

>t. salty Fortress Forever player
I get it.


I dont know how long until things pick up since its been so long but I think you should give it at least one more hour or so, if by then you arent enjoying the firefights the game might just not interest you at all

>Doom 1
Admit it, when is the last time you played Doom 1 and 2?