It’s okay to enjoy bad games. Change my mind

It’s okay to enjoy bad games. Change my mind

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In the same way I enjoy sex with my sister

>all these people slurping up the ff7 remake and praising it as the best game ever
i don't care anymore, play whatever you want

It is okay, as long as you acknowledge their flaws.



Yeah as long as you don't try to say it's a perfect game (like people enjoying the FF7 remake seem to be doing) and acknowledge that it is bad, then it's ok.

>As long as you pretend that you actually have the same opinion as me, you're allowed to have an opinion


too many people refuse to admit that it's possible to enjoy flawed products in general, not just games

are you saying you cant recognize flaws in a game that you like
there's a word for people like you

>enjoying bad games
>in 2020
Consider suicide.

If you enjoy it, it's not a bad game

No argument

You're allowed to have your own opinions, but if you're immature about it then no one will take you seriously.

I sure hope so, I like games like WET and Battle Chasers: Nightwar

I like stuffed crust, but you still have to eat that shit the right way and save it as the last part of the slice.

And E.Y.E.


think you mean


I love suda 51 games so yes you're right



Games are in no way shape or form a sophisticated form of entertainment, and all elitism which spawns from it is pathetic. Enjoy whatever the fuck you want, be it Mario or Uncharted or Wii waggle shit. You're not better for sitting on your fat ass playing one over the other.

Lula The Sexy Empire is on Gog

Battle Chasers is bad?

I liked it a lot but it gets shit on.

There are no flaws in Doom 3.

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Fucking gross
Mother/Son sex on the other hand is Kino

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It's ok to enjoy bad games, but if you play (and pay for) a lot of them, in comparison, it becomes hard to justify the purchase of a bad game.
I can play bad games for free forever and enjoy them, but for me at this point is hard even to justify buying 60 dollars good games.
That's why people get mad.

A good story can make up for bad gameplay
Good gameplay can't make up for a bad story

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>enjoying bad game
That’s fine
>’bad game is good’
That’s not

Ok, but why? Just because it's a turn based RPG?

As long as you acknowledge you have shit taste, go for it lad