How come fire emblem gets to be called an RPG while advance wars doesn't, despite both having identical gameplay...

How come fire emblem gets to be called an RPG while advance wars doesn't, despite both having identical gameplay? Does IS thinks calling their game a strategy game would make it sell less?

Attached: Wars.png (851x471, 430.64K)

Cant believe there isn't a mobile game of this yet.

Because Fire Emblem has had role playing rolled into the gameplay over the years while Advance Wars was straight up strategy only

>despite both having identical gameplay?
I don't think you've actually played both series. It's incredibly fucking obvious why FE is an RPG and AW isn't. Like to the point there's nothing to discuss

Because Fire Emblem has specific characters that grow more powerful as the campaign goes on.

And that's what makes a game an RPG? If so then even fucking FIFA would be one

Fire emblem has individual units with their own stats, characters gain strength as they level up, you carry over your units/items/funds/etc. from mission to mission, etc. Advance wars has none of that RPG stuff. Each mission is basically completely separate from the previous missions. There are some turn based tactics games where it's hard to decide whether it qualifies as an "RPG" (because RPG is a dumb term), but in the case of advance wars it's pretty clear cut.

I think you need to learn what an RPG is.

I have never played FIFA and the fact you have automatically disqualifies you from ever posting here again.

Fifa doesn't have a campaign and the players don't grow

Doesn't FIFA have what amounts to an RPG carrier mode where you level up a character and work your way toward getting yourself recruited to a real team in a real league where you eventually try and win the...whatever trophy?

>I'm ignorant about the thing you're talking about (and that's a good thing)

What is the definition of RPG anyway? Even if fire emblem has RPG elements it's still 90% a turn based strategy game.

>I'm ignorant about the thing you're talking about (and that's a good thing)
When the thing in question is FIFA this is absolutely correct.

I don't play fifa either, was just using it as an example.

It's a TBS you mong.

If you know enough about FIFA to use it as an example then you have already lost this argument.

People who think Fire Emblem and Advance Wars are similar have only ever played two grid-based games.

That's my point. FE gets called an RPG among normie circles and I think it's just a marketing gimmick.

AW doesn't have any RPG elements.

It's also superior precisely because of that.

Unit health determines firepower in Fire Emblem?

All attacks in Fire Emblem hit?

Unit stats are static in Fire Emblem?

AW only rolls the dice when an attack says 45% or for certain COs.

How about you try playing both games and see if you can figure it out for yourself instead of asking such stupid questions.

>identical gameplay

Attached: 1530990004081.png (716x720, 220.84K)

Kids roleplay as Andy because they are kids, therefore Advance wars is a JRPG

Agreed, just cause they're fairly simple grid based games doesn't make them identical. Otherwise you may as well include chess

Fire Emblem has set characters that you level.
Advanced Wars has you create units and build factories with no leveling.
Shit question.

Advance Wars doesn't give you much unit freedom. FE does this via class promotions and reclassing, skills and separte weapons or equipment, as well as the usual leveling up. Not only that, but there's also character development.

those are the same thing, just replace factorie with breeding a waifu

It actually does

>character development

Your units in Advance Wars don't carry over their stat gains from chapter to chapter.