Why are smash players so prone to create drama? Now even Zero has to step in and help

Why are smash players so prone to create drama? Now even Zero has to step in and help.

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She deserved it. Don't ignore your fans.

aqua is one of the normalfag vtubers. she's genuinely just doing it as a job

Her playing against an actual smash player is much more interesting than playing with a fan that would probably let her win if they think it will get them closer to meeting the real thing.

What is the drama?

How autistic are you people

During a Smash stream, Abadango(a japanese competitive player) came in and wanted to play with her and she accepted instead of playing games with fans. that's it.

Did you even watch the video OP? The fans of the vtuber are in the wrong and most of them are in it for her attention rather than being Smash fans.

>popular vtuber has obsessive fans
>she hosts public lobby for them to play with her
>abadango (tourney level Smash player) drops in lobby and tries to set up some money match of sorts for charity
>she agrees and asks her organization to get things set up
>her obsessive fans seethe over giving abadango attention for 30 minutes
>she makes an apology video for the seething fans
The whole thing is silly.

Oh so it is an idol whoring out to a smash dude and her kek fans getting upset
Got it

idolfags are mentally ill

>vtubers gets introduced to western audience
>immediatly after drama insues
jesus can you fucks not try to ruin everything entertaining nowdays?

the drama came from jap idolfags, aka the most mentally ill group of schizos on earth

Do autists really?

imagine the smell...

my cute dog, korone, would never be caught in drama like this since she already has her cat wife with her

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How does this 500 year old dog avoid the autism?

doesn't she pretty much exclusively play single player games. that would probably be the easiest way to avoid that type of autism.

Banderas is my husbando.

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>automatically assumes it's Westerners
Yeah Japanese people are never obsessive or do crazy shit. Fuck off, you legitimate weeaboo.

>Smash players
Nigger it's the vtubers fans causing shit not the smash community

>Pay for this roasties way of life, rent, meals, everything
>She dumps your for some literal who smash player

Lmao simps got DESTORYED

Le smash gods

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Wow Otakus are pathetic

Le charity haha!

I love this meme

It's fucking stupid but these fucking otaku simps are the ones who support the whole vtuber thing, I've seen randoms throw $400 or $500 for a mere 1 hour weekly stream

Where's M2K?

why is zero in that picture? he's so washed

Who cares?

oh god the stench
take a bath smashfag before i make you take one, but i promise when that happens you won't be resurfacing for air

that guy's not a smashfag, he's something much worse, an idolfag

then i'll break out the comet and make the bath water extra cleany

No, idolfags want their idols to be successful, he's just a creep.

you must be an idolfag yourself if you can't see how mentally ill it is to harass someone because they simply have one interaction with a member of he opposite sex
i can only hope you'll seek help for your schizophrenia

I literally said he was a creep, why are you acting i'm defending this type of behavior?