Press F to pay Respects

>The Founder of Club Nintendo and Nintendo Mania passed away
>Literally he single handedly pushed the 2nd biggest video game market of the Americas, ,which is just below the US.
>His legacy will last forever
RIP In Peace my dear Gus, you were truly the Hideo Kojima of México!

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>Hideo Kojima of México!
So he's a hack fraud? Gotcha


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La creatividad


literally who

first ive heard of him, what contributions has he made

He was pretty based for a dirty spic.



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>the Hideo Kojima of México

>Hideo Kojima took credit for the Metal Gear games when they were the fruit of entire development teams
>The dead mexican took the credit for introducing videogames to Latin America when videogames were already a popular hobby even back on the early 90's

So, a fraud who takes someone else's credit for him? It checks out.


could you please fuck off and take this shit to Yas Forums? this shit only affects spics


This place is beyond saving


¿literalmente quien?

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It doesn't even affect spics because his claim to fame were:
- Shilling for Nintendo
- Writing for a shitty mexican comedian and - Having a retro gaming TV show that wasn't any different from the billions of "retro gaming" youtubers plaguing the internet.

you've been told about 20 times now to fuck off spic
nobody knows your fucking literal who
we're not spics living in spicland

F. He also was a wrote a lot of stuff for Derbez and other comedy shows.




its videogame related, you retarded cuckolded mutt
if the mods werent retarded cuckolds too it would be stickied too

Yas Forums has a lot of spics


F for Faggot
Puto ganso

Using the word spic won't make up for lack of self worth.

Fuck off


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El Steve Jobs de Los Mexicanos

>it would be stickied
yea your fucking "nobody knows me outside of el cartel land" nobody celeb that not one soul here has ever heard of once will get a sticky

>Gus introduced video games in the mid 80’s to Mexico, you stupid Zoomer

>Some literal who was responsible from introducing videogames into latin america
That's horseshit and you know it.


Lol, who gives a fuck about mexico. Kys

He is but without any of the merits or rewards.
He's behind the writing and creations of one of the most mediocre yet famous and rich "comedians" of México, Eugenio Derbez.
Eugenio claimed to be a comedic genius, however, most of his material and characters were made by Gus. Eugenio finally semi-admitted it with Gus death.

Attached: eugenio-derbez-no-es-gracioso-xhdrbz-derbez-en-cuando-mejores-personajes-diablito-lonje-moco.jpg (1200x650, 166.75K)

You are a literal zoomer