ITT: God-tier games that are unfortunately niche

ITT: God-tier games that are unfortunately niche

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>le obscure hidden gaem nobody, not even yourself has played but me

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Welp, i tried.

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I was on the fence about getting this once but I heard it was crap. Is it actually good?

>Is it actually good?
Yes if you're in the mood for an artsy game that actually has a fair amount of puzzle solving.

As long as you have the patience for it yes, it's definitely worth it. It's essentially a sequel to another suda51 game called "the silver case" though, so you'd have to play that first to fully appreciate it.

Will my mom like it?

underrated rpg

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Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N.

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If you didn't play The Silver Case, you will not truly understand this game. Same with killer7 with regards to this and The Silver Case.

No, I would recommend Killer7 for your mom.

Why are you a faggot?

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>suda game
a PS2 SUDA game that got a DS port is not niche at all.
you might as well call mario sunshine niche and unlike FSR it was never ported or rereleased

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niche ain't the same as obscure

The entire Armored Core series

genuinely one of the worst games i've ever played, only reason i finished it was because it's connected to the silver case games

which makes it really funny that it was translated before silver case

Played it once. Couldn't leave the first fucking screen, felt stupid and filtered and never touched it again.

Then I found that Suda directed it.

It's apparently getting a remaster on Switch. I doubt it will get released in the west, with how poorly the DS game did.

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Easily my favourite DS game.

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Flower, Sun and Rain is basically a social Death Stranding game.


i haven't played death stranding or any kojima or suda51 games, but now that makes me interested

based fucking OP, FSR is a god damned masterpiece.

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God-tier is a massive fucking stretch in this case but I do feel the game is massively underrated.

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Nah, this was a good idea but it just didn’t work.

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An actual gem that was sadly passed over.

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Anything made by Suda51

niche in the sense that only true masochists have bought and finished it.

What the fuck I was JUST thinking about FSR not 5 minutes ago and wondering if watching a playthrough of TSC would do it justice. Would it?

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Play Silver Case before.

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Why are Suda threads and GTA threads the only good ones on Yas Forums?

most of it is reading text so yes

That's too mechanically challenging

Not him, but do I need to play other SUDA games before that or can I just start from there?

This and probably many more on PSP. It wasn't exactly the most difficult, but the gameplay was pretty unique to me.

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haven't played the game, but I fucking love the intro music

speaking of DS games.

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the gta threads are good?

Niche threads in general tend to be pretty good.

Man this game played with my expectations in the worst way possible
All I wanted was a heavy metal themed action game...

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