The "notions of gender do not apply" line Final Fantasy 7 Remake is mistranslated. The original line explicitly said "man or woman", thus listing just two genders.
The "notions of gender do not apply" line Final Fantasy 7 Remake is mistranslated...
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most other languages don't even have a word for "gender". it's just biological sex you were born with.
It wasn't "mistranslated". They re-wrote it that way on purpose to earn brownie points from the left wing nutjobs.
性別 in Japanese. I found Japanese people treating gender much more upfront and with less controversy. Getting to know Japanese online the first thing they want to know, often, is your gender. It's not because they are obsessed, or mentally retarded about it (like us), but it's important to how they address and treat you bcs of gender specific language in Japanese to ensure they are being polite.
Lmao keep seething retards because you’re too fucking dumb to get a clue.
性別 means sex just as much as it can mean gender. In fact, separating sex and gender isn't even an agreed upon thing English.
They literally mean the same thing when used as an adjective. Nature doesn't gives a fuck about a difference, it makes things either male or female (or in rare cases of genetic mutation both/neither, but they are outliers).
you cannot trust gt for stuff like that stop being ridiculous. 性別を教えてください is a common phrase when you get to know someone online and it's good manners
Final Fantasy VII Remake says TRANS RIGHTS!
We didn't either until some pedophile quack doctor who helped kick off the whole tranny shit popularized the idea that gender and sex are somehow separate things.
Nobody argues the biological nature of sex but it isn't the same as gender. Sex is what you are gender is what you present yourself as
Amazing that sociologists created these separate terms 300 years ago to appease trannies of the 2010s
what dis he mean by this
>separating sex and gender isn't even an agreed upon thing English.
It was until the 2010s. Social sciences created the term for anthropological purposes hundreds of years ago. It's only when trannies started co-opting it alt-right retards decided to pretend it never happened.
Why do you keep avatarfagging with these stupid pictures
Actually people do argue that sex isn’t a thing. And it’s not a fringe.
And if gender is what you “feel” like, it’s useless as a concept. We just want the facts. Not feelings
trannies arent people. just disgusting pieces of shit
>Sex is what you are gender is what you present yourself as
As I said, there is no difference because it doesn't exist like that in nature. Wild animals which make up 99% of the planet don't do this. only dumb humans came up with such a stupid concept. It's a made up difference.
>gender is what you present yourself as
You can't tell me what I present you as.
>300 years ago
The concept of gender has gotten so convoluted now just from SJWs pushing their personal agendas on the masses to the point where it's hard to tell what is even considered "gender" anymore. I find it extremely hard to believe that trans should even be considered a biological thing rather than just a state of being.
Sex and gender is the same thing. It's like said.
Nope, 性別 is only the distinction between males and females. If you want to talk about the (((american kind of gender))) you use ジェンダー, which is simply the american word "gender" written in katakana. This is because it is a concept that simply doesn't exist for japanese people. It's just an invention of those retarded, degenerate, american pigs.
I don't think you should look up to wild animals as an example. Case in point, male spiders have sex with every spider they meet until they chance upon a female who would eat them. Case in point two: male hyenas fuck female hyenas who are old enough to be their granny by inserting a penis into a penis. Case in point three, seahorse females lay eggs inside seahorse males, impregnating them.
thank you for proving the point
so you're telling me I can't call the open wound left by my removed genitals a vagina
fuck I should have thought it through
>the English language has long struggled with the lack of widely recognized nongendered third-person pronouns
I have a theory that the whole gender debate originates from the fucked way English pronouns were to begin with: everything is neutral, except humans. In other European languages every thing, animate or non-animate, has a gender, thus people grow up learning not to question what gender anyone is.
This is total dogshit by the way
>out of all the things to be bothered about in this particular game, this is it
You could not have your head be filled with more Yas Forumsrot if you tried.
"notions of gender do not apply "doesnt mean "there is more than two genders"