Why the fuck would you buy a switch over a PS4?

Why the fuck would you buy a switch over a PS4?

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Switch has a dozen good exclusives

PS4 has 1 (one)

Riamu is literally me

Because I already had a PS4 when the Switch came out, why would I buy two PS4s when I could have one of both

Nice meme

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too thick

Given the opportunity and consent I'd have sex with her if you know what I mean.

Couch coop. My dad got a PS4 and we're now in isolation but there's nothing fun to coop on the PS4.

Someone who's desperate to coom

I hate women

Look at those BAZONGAS

Because the pic you posted would be censored in a censorships station.

Idorts, laugh at them.

Nah, both have just one game.

PS4: Bloodborne
Switch: Astral Chain

Choosing which one to buy just boils down to which developer you like the most, From Software or Platinum Games.

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dragon's crown


What's sex?

Riamu is a retarded drug addict

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are you sure?
last i checked all it had was oddysey, smash, and botw
pokemon and fire emblem are bad

Bought a Switch last week. I don’t own a TV or monitor. No screen — no PS4
Apart from that why would I buy a PS4 if Switch is the best games?

>Your games are so shit they don't make it to proper consoles

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Its that new console I think.

Because I am allowed to look at things like the OP pic on the Switch

Superior library?

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Sony would never allow this.
Why does this boy have big boobs?

>Nothing but multiplat garbage

Snoyggers are embarrassing on so many levels.

Idolmaster Cinderella Girls is available on PS4, NEVER EVER on Switch. Try again, cuckies.

Good exclusives
Playing games in my bed / on my couch / at my desk / on my shitter


>games aren't good unless they're exclusive
Don't get me wrong I'd tell anyone to play multiplats on PC any day.
But being on another platform doesn't make the game any worse, retard.

You are Riamu now.

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The PS4 is Sony's worst console, bar none. I don't care about Soulsborne and I have a good PC, so there's no reason for me to waste my money on it.


poorfag detected

Yes it does.
DQXI for example should never be played on PS4 over PC or Switch

Currently playing the best JRPG of the decade and top GOTY contender of 2020

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oh no why am I so useless and dumb?!

theres no reason to own a ps4 apart from playing bloodborne, you can play all the games worth playing on PC. switch is actually worth owning even if you have a PC because A) its portable and B) it has more high quality exclusives.

>Shooters aren't worse played on a controller
>RTS isn't worst playing on a controller
This is an objectively incorrect statement. Some games are objectively a lower quality, aside from just graphics, played on a console

I would never ever play doom on a controller

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