Considered the best game in the series

>Considered the best game in the series
>Released on Segas worst console
The fuck? When has this happened with any other franchise?

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It's not good and doesn't play like a sonic game thanks to the stupid fucking time travel gimmick

MGS Ghost Babel
Not exactly Nintendo's worst console but eh. Could've done better on GBA

>Segas worst console
The 32x was way worse. Sega CD was pretty cool actually, had a lot of superior ports of Genesis games.

People just hyped this up for years because they had to validate their SEGA CD purchase. Once the game became widely available in Gems Collection, people realize it was just ok.

Yeah but there was always a few issues with it. The discs would get scratched, the tech was super new at the time and it was a bit buggy. Plus most of the games were movie games.

Tempest 2000

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>Released on Segas worst console

Thats not the 32X.

>Considered the best game in the series

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>Considered the best game in the series
No one considers Sonic CD the best game in the series.
Best OST maybe. Best level aesthetics in the classic series, sure. But everyone has the same complaint about its god awful level design.

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how distant was the PC release? that's what i originally played it on.

Came out in 1996.

>Considered the best game in the series

It's not the best game and it's not the worst console.

You forgot to put a hidden horizontal spike that pops out of the ground right next to a horizontal spring

3&K exists and the Saturn exists so your wrong twice.

No one thinks Sonic CD is the best anymore, it was hyped up by idiots for years because no one else could play it and see it for what it was. Happens all of the time.

>Saturn worse than Sega CD

Ha ha no.

>doesn't play like a sonic game
yeah, cause it's actually fast and fun to play

>cause it's actually fast
Sonic CD is the opposite of fast, wtf are you talking about?

Now you've fucking done it.

Attached: 4456552-3172240-1796953065-segat.jpg (320x320, 16.38K)

Sonic CD has massive, open levels that allow you to take a variety of paths to the end. The levels are built horizontally so that you can easily just move from left to right most of the time. The game keeps you MOVING.

Unlike other Sonic games with hidden spikes and pits and shit, and waiting around on moving platforms, like in Marble Zone, or slowly wading through water

It's not the best Tetris game, but it had a great soundtrack.

Attached: Tetris_CD-i_disc.jpg (1999x1999, 1.04M)

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>have to use Sonic 1 as an example or else the argument falls apart

Sega's worst console was the 32x, since it was released to die and everyone knew it but youngins like me that wanted Knuckle's Chaotix. Given that CD is basically Sega of Japan's version of Sonic 2 by continuing off the philosophy of Sonic 1's level design, it wasn't too bad. The only reason it was considered the best is because it was on a device nobody could afford or even find by the time the next gen rolled in, so we only had animation stills from the opening and magazines relaying what it was like to play it, and let me tell you that old game magazines were even bigger dick suckers than your modern Nintendo youtubers in regards to wanting to appease companies in hopes of getting exclusives and early copies. EGM hyped up Lunar II on the Sega CD like it was the second coming with how they described it and had every page rowed with screenshots from the ingame cutscenes.

The closest game series to have something similar to Sonic CD being on overpriced hardware would be that Wario Land game on the Virtual Boy, since it was a legit game, just on a machine that was overpriced at the time and overlooked.

>.t never played the game

Massive fields of nothing going on, you take 5 steps and end up going into the future or past. The special stages are garbage, you can’t go super, the levels are all a jumbled mess of a death trap, the special stages are ass, and the only saving grace is the jap OST and the animations.

Persona 4 Golden on PS Vita is also a solid example. It was the best game prior to Persona 5, and that didn't come out for another five years.

Attached: P4G.jpg (1920x1200, 468.32K)

so it was the playstation of the time, eh?

You dumb motherfucker, Sonic CD is the exact OPPOSITE of this. There are constant sections where your momentum is ground to a halt because of some mandatory platforming or shitty mechanics like overuse of bounce pads.

To be fair, CD's reputation is carried pretty hard by the Taxman remaster

virtual boy was $150
$30 after several months
no comparison

looks like you're just bad at the game, take the top route and stay on the top route next time, mmkay

i hope you like doom eternal

>>Considered the best game in the series

Attached: blaze3.jpg (640x903, 156.71K)

not doing it, why would I when I have such a gigantic backlog already

The special stages in CD are great but have a learning curve.

However the entire rest of the game is designed like ass.

>Sonic CD
>best Sonic game