Best MMO for pvp? WoWs pvp has completely gone to shit, need a new game HELP

Best MMO for pvp? WoWs pvp has completely gone to shit, need a new game HELP

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>MMOs in 2020
>PvP MMOs ever
user.. I..

>MMO pvp

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Nothing alive. The internet currently doesn't like PvP in MMOs. You can't even turn to old games like Tera because their devs tend to gut the PvP in response to complaints.

age of conan

You should look at MOBAs at this point.

What's wrong with wow classic?

Classic is way too disable heavy.
>Rogues can unironically perma stun
>Preists/Warlocks can fear you for 10-20 seconds and just walk away
>Mages spam slows/stuns

WoW's PvP is shit

There are some good Ultima Online shards still out there.

WoW's pvp wasn't that bad in the past but I have the mmo itch again after quitting and don't want to resub to wow. Also raiding content is boring

Just because you don't know how to play doesn't mean the game is shit

Not an argument

Slim pickings for PvP and that won't ever change. PvP doesn't sell.

Go for Albion Online or Eve for an endgame based around PvP, but really you're just going to end up farming and feeding a Guild like a cuck stooge.

OSRS has a decent PvP scene still.

The fact is that every MMO's PvP scene complains.

It's replaced by MOBAs i think

Why is pvp in mmos bad?

PvPers don't want to fight one another. They want to kill other people.
Other people don't want to die so they won't go to places where PvPers can kill them.

I want to do both

MMO PvP always goes one of two equally shitty routes:
1. Leave gear stats enabled leading to every match being nothing more than a test to see who has farmed for longer
2. Equalize gear stats making everything you did in PvE worthless and leaving you with a mediocre experience that any dedicated fighting or otherwise competitive game would do better and more balanced

It's almost like RPGs weren't meant to be competitive PvP experiences.

It's almost like you should just get good at an actual PvP genre like RTS/Fighting/FPS

I'd say BDO if it wasn't for the fact that literally every other part of that game is absolute cancer and makes me want to headbutt a bullet. The PvP is great, but it's such a souless, MTX-riddled shit overall game that I can't recommend it.

Unironically, check albion LOL that shit has enough PVp and WPVP, just be sure to call ur boyfriends i mean ur friends to play it so u can gank every cunt u want lol

makes sense

Lineage 2

Red Dead Online

GW2 has the best pvp in any mmo today, mind you that the genre sucks nowadays though

GW2 doesn't have the best anything of anything.
It's not even the shiniest turd in the septic tank.

>its a themepark-exclusive player who cant event comprehend how a pvp-centric mmo works episode

pvp centric mmos don't work. If they did then themeparks wouldn't be the norm.

Enlighten me then asshole

Game is shit MMOs are dead and have been for the past 15 years. Any retard with half a brainstem could see that.

God what a fucking autistic virgin, even though you don't like them, I imagine you being able to identify which one of the bad ones in your mind is better. Maybe you can't I don't give a shit.

I am playing private servers of RF Online whenever I feel like I want some pvp mmo experience. Can't beat that.

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if you want to waste your life away you can do it just fine here on Yas Forums for free.

I'd say check out Return of Reckoning. It's Warhammer Online private server. Installing and playing it takes less than an hour. Player numbers sit at around 1200 - 2500 from what I've seen.

because nu devs always hyperbalance and homogenize pvp. Its not enjoyable when every encounter is a battle of attrition trying to drain the enemy of his defensives and self heals