Resident Evil Resistance is super fun.
Resident Evil Resistance is super fun
>can't find that valerie fanart somebody posted this week outside of an edit
fucking hell why is this so hard
The best part about that image is that Tyrone will survive it and nobody else will
It would be if the match maker worked and every survivor game wasn't "Unstable connection to Mastermind"
Now I wait to do my MM daily since I couldn't even get a game yesterday to finish it off, even after an hour of restarting my timer.
>load as mastermind, excited to mess with people after several ruthless wins as survivor
>see a level 95 nightmare in the lobby
>balls shrink a little
How the fuck are people even this high level? It's been a week, and there's no cheat engine on ps4
And yet, people say masterminds stand no chance against high level survivors.
It seems RP Boosters are stupidly broken if used correctly, since someone showed a pic yesterday of them doing a 4900ish game like you just did, but because it had x4 RP Booster bonus, it rewarded them with nearly 20,000 RP for that single match. Get some friends during quarantine that are bored and have some change to throw 10+ boosters (since they last 3 games each) dropping in as a full squad of survivors and you'll level up quite fast.
It's the masterminds that boggle me, since there's no way for them to effectively get x4 RP Boosters short of asking everyone in the lobby to use them and hope they actually do, compared to a coordinated group of survivors having full control over it.
>since they last 3 games each
Fuck. The first day this came out I bought the game and got drunk, and didn't realize you have to deactivate boosters between matches (shitty tactic, certainly put in for this very reason). I used them all on the first night, didn't even realize til the next day. I'm not trying to power grind and no one I know is buying this anyway, but that's good to know for the future.
I feel like this would be fun if there was a way to get similar skilled people together, or just let you play with your friends unhindered.
You've got a 50/50 shot of either getting a L1 Annette that doesn't know she can spawn enemies, or L50 Spencer shitting out bullets. There are no in betweens.
That and if either side is particularly skilled, it's not that fun for anybody else. Good masterminds just feel like spammers, and that usually works. I guess I just gotta get good.
That January was probably stuck carrying their Samuel and Valerie, I feel their pain.
some high level survivors are pants on head retarded
So what is the secret move to coming out the mandatory safe room door when you know there's a controlled armor guy on the other side? I just run out and take the hit, hoping someone can beat on it.
>Sam is useless against Fabron past rank 12, and arguably always useless
>Martin can mine you, but most of them are retarded
>January doesn't bother Fabron that much because you're busy controlling zombies
>Val could be a problem if she's buying flashes but she's too low rank for that
Eh, you weren't in too bad a position
Spawning enemies right outside the door is best used to punish retards who run out alone thinking they can solo the map. Wait for your team mates, and either let them take the hit and help them or hope they save you
That makes sense. I swear it just punishes everybody though. Do you guys buy a lot of stuff on round 1? I usually just buy repair kits for the eventual hammer I'll buy.
>finally got high level mastermind crates
>finally got the jester
>finally able to level up other MM's for fun and better cards
>preset stages I've made are nearly unwinnable
And now, that sweet, sweet period of time between when I get good enough to dominate and the game eventually dies.
It just seems to be moving out and taking the hit at this point, since I tried to grenade against the door the other day and that didn't work, neither did flashing with Martin's fever skill. Since it's impossible to dodge from the sliding door exits on most areas 1 & 3, I've taken to throwing motion trackers in massive quantities on certain presets outside them to get specific dailies cleared. I also just seen in my last match that took 45 minutes to wait for that spamming 10-20 motion trackers at the start each does like -5 seconds and really adds up fast on putting pressure on a team, though it counts for both the "track survivors" and "impede them with mines" or whatever dailies, so I'm pretty happy with the results.
Rd 1 I buy nothing. I start with small bonus credits and ammo and stuck up. Rd 2 I buy quickdraw and whatever adds to 100 bullets, fill up on green herbs, and as many blue as funds allow if needed. Rd 3 I buy hammer and repair kits. Buy flashbangs in rd2 and 3 when against Daniel and Annette, but molotovs against Alex.
That's rediculous, I love it. Until I have to play against it, in which case I hate that.
That's probably my greatest barrier to fun in this game, I just assume the mastermind player is a complete fuck cheesing the game and trying to be annoying.
Does anyone have any good Alex builds? I'm at rank 5 but I like her the best, making the survivors cough and die is fun and funny to me.
The presets are no joke and give a bit too much power to MM, but with how crazy survivors can get, it's almost needed.
My next crazy scheme is going to be placing the Tough Zombie with Berserk aua and armored zombies at the door on Area 3 once I get the unlocks done, since most teams usually have 5-7 minutes of time banked up by that point, so they need a bit of a "FUCK YOU" to level it out some. Maybe take control of one of the armored zombies while I'm at it or just use it as time to lay some traps on bio-cores.
Regeneration enhancer was a mistake. The zombies are more resilient than the fucks in RE2make.
Is this game dead?
My copy still hasn't arrived
Higher infection rate and EIS activation time, plant lots of mines and blow people the fuck up. Don't even bother with the plant monster
third world niggers please go back to your download regions thanks.
Pc probably
Ps4 is still active
It'd be really nice if they fixed that with Jill's release or even earlier, but I somehow doubt it. All these people playing in different regions is what's really screwing the PC version over, since there's an overload of Masterminds at any given moment and they have worse wifi internet than McDonalds going on.
my queues are fine when I'm the mastermind but when I play survivor 9 out of 10 times it's a BR with 1800 ping abusing controllable zombies and all the survivors unable to do shit because abilities don't go off and shoots don't hit until like 5 seconds after you shot.
Why did Capcom set this game up to fail? It had potential to be a viable competetor to DBD and they...put a mobile Taiwan company in charge.
what they fucked up is not making it standalone, well than and the terrible matchmaking, the game itself is fun.
I know for a fact one night I had a guy in Great Britain hosting as MM, which was a match I lagged out of for the first and only time so far, but I just had a match with rubberbanding and everything and it claims on Steam that he lives in the same country as me. Either people are using potatoes to run the game or else the net requirements to run it are quite high.
The same mobile company they put in charge is the one that actually handled the game and probably had the original idea to begin with, it's just that after the horrible backlash the game had at reveal, they seem to have packaged it and forgot about it more or less for the moment to recoup some of the development cost and to make RE3R look that much better as a purchase by taking on a multiplayer component that'll probably die out before RE3R hits rock bottom on pricing.
The game itself is literal grind2win shit that is never going to get a new wave of people because they will be forced to grind for days to become even slightly viable.
This isn't a fucking MMO, skill should be the top priority, not "I have this equipment that makes me have 50% more HP"