Single-handedly destroys CS:GO

>single-handedly destroys CS:GO

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>on the chinese market

literally who

Nah, CSGO isn't even fueled by a competitive scene at this point. Even if Valorant gets a decent influx of players, CSGO will survive based on its fucking knife economy alone.

No CSGO fan will leave CSGO for this.

>wall hack abilities

I have never seen something so uninspired or generic before. This game is completely designed just to take all the good stuff that makes other games interesting and then has no character it's self.

Attached: Capture.jpg (791x768, 97.12K)

>I have never seen something so uninspired or generic before.

Like terrorists vs counter-terrorists in cs:go?

Cope Chang

CSGO fags have been playing the same games for over a decade now. It'll be fine.

Meanwhile competitive OW could be in big trouble. Yes, Valorant doesn't play like OW but there is a huge resentment towards Blizzard among competitive community and many will jump the ship for sure.

Can you explain how are the designs uninspired or generic?

You sure think about CS:GO a lot

It's your typical military action design with soldiers fighting off terrorists.. Not like other games have done that already. It's uninspired and boring. Meanwhile, Valorant actually has like a mixture of high-fantasy with modern military aesthetic with magical abilities. You can't name anything similar.

pls tell me this is game is being boosted and will fail

riot surely do not deserve success

its like shadowrun but more slow...and boring

It looks worse than OW. Idk how but it just does.

paladins is the same

shadowrun was awesome. the teleport worked so well

No. That's more fantasy than anything and they threw in some rifles here and there. Valorant has more of a science fiction tone with magic with a sprinkle of cyberpunk. Try again.

Valorant won't kill CS unless they put in lootbox skins

Everyone is just playing it for the novelty of it being a new shooter when there have been so few entries into the scene that have this dynamic and aren't total shit. Hopefully this will make CS GO better since Valve will have to give a shit.

we will never get a remake or remaster of it nor will a game ever have the abilities like it did.
i treasured every second i played that game

>Nigger and white woman

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>Valorant actually has like a mixture of high-fantasy with modern military aesthetic with magical abilities. You can't name anything similar.
so it's literally quake, quake champions, and overwatch. Wow, truly brave and original.
>like a

>so it's literally quake, quake champions, and overwatch. Wow, truly brave and original.
those games are science fiction themed. Cute tho

>Black male/White female

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg (499x481, 27.94K)

CS is from 90 zoomie, they have a pass for that visual design

you just literally just said Valorant has a more science fiction tone you idiot

>implying CS:GO autists would ever leave their knife-economy and spray patterns behind for china pandering and rocket launchers

May as well try to sell a lactose intolerant person milk.

reread my message retard. holy shit ur dumb

>Valorant has more of a science fiction tone with magic with a sprinkle of cyberpunk. Try again.
literally quake or unreal tournament. Try again sweaty.

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Oh yeah I remember when quake had magical abilities and shit, right? Dumbass. That's more grounded in dark/deathpunk science fiction. It's nothing similar to Valorant.

looks like some mobilegame

is is

>Oh yeah I remember when quake had magical abilities and shit, right? Dumbass. That's more grounded in dark/deathpunk science fiction. It's nothing similar to Valorant.
stop posting

Attached: QUAKE.jpg (1054x1600, 149.97K)

Dude you're retarded. That's gothic-fantasy themed. Not science fiction. You're cute though for sure.

Oh boy, imagine being a shitty zoomer that doesnt know CS was the pioneer of that concept for fps games.

>It's nothing similar to Valorant.
It's just overwatch.

Like the Rainbow Six games? Nice try zoomie.

Realistic shit isn't trying to be interesting or new since it's constrained by realism. Valorant can be anything since it's futuristic sci-fi yet converges to looking like the same shit as everything else.

>concept art is 10000x cooler than the character models

You are retarded stop posting you dumb zoomer

zoom zoom

If they made a faster paced dirty bomb id give a fuck

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>CS was the pioneer of that concept for fps games.

Uhmm.. Rainbow six would like a word with you. PS1 btw.

Attached: r6.jfif.jpg (474x355, 16.92K)

this is prove valorant will fail

>black male/white female

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>That's gothic-fantasy themed. Not science fiction.
it's filled with science fiction
you have been proven wrong multiple times now
now shut the fuck up and stop shilling this totally unique game

Quake Champions isn't Quake