Why does the idea of the events of the original game changing upset people so much? Do you guys not think it would be fun to see alternate scenarios play out?
Why does the idea of the events of the original game changing upset people so much...
You're still revisiting all the original moments but the story will be slightly altered. Fuckin autists.
No, people begged for a remake for around 15 years. This game is awful, Nomura took a massive Kingdom Hearts shit on it and it's fans. It's dead now. Part 2 wouldn't sell.
Its not a remake then is it though?
What we wanted, REmake / REmake 2 standard of FF7 what we got, Kingdom Hearts/Crisis Core 2 instead.
>Its not a remake then is it though?
"Remaking" the story. Get it? Noticed how they forced the word remake in the name for this long? I always kind of thought it was odd with the word Remake in the name but it all makes sense now.
They're changing in really retarded ways is the problem.
People don't understand the wacky concept of simply replaying a fucking game if they want to play it again.
No one that bought the original at full price wants to buy it again at full price, they were all children and want the convenience of the shitty animation/janky combat/shitty pacing with all the conveniences of it looking super duper nice.
is it called FFVII: Remake or FFVII: look guise isn't this fun?
It just comes down to hypocrisy. Remakes are a damned if you do damned if you don't investment.
If it was a 1:1 remake with no story changes, and no side quests, everyone would bitch about not having any character development or anything new added to the story or anything new to do other than talking to NPCs
Even after taking the other route and add new things, and what seems to the this thing of 'being able to influence the end of the story' or more than 'not let Aerith die' people still bitch. What matter in the end is if it sells then they'll hear out people more for the next part.
Also everyone is worried about Nomura 'Kingdom Hearts-ing' the story but he's got Hamaguchi and Toryiama as fellow directors and Kitase as producer, they won't let him make it overly convoluted.
>No one that bought the original at full price wants to buy it again at full price, they were all children and want the convenience of the shitty animation/janky combat/shitty pacing with all the conveniences of it looking super duper nice.
LMAO. JRPG turn-based combat isn't even that deep to begin with you retard.
We knew there were going to changes but not like this also the way they did it was pretty shitty
It's a shitty surprise to get after waiting for over 15 years.
The whole selling point of remakes is that they're exactly the same shit people already know they like just with a new coat of paint.
They're like unimaginative sequels, but worse.
Because Nostalgiafags refuse to admit that FF7 had a lot of mediocre moments padding out a merely decent beginning and end.
I really wish it would have been a 1:1 remake so that everyone can finally see how much overhyped it is.
It's entry level shit. Literally a cornerstone of a Millennial Nerd starter pack. The videogame equivalent of modern weebs wanking it to Attack on Titan or Hero Academia.
Alternate scenarios written by the original team would be great.
Alternate scenarios written by Nomura "le wild ride XD" Nomura and Toriyama "Lightning" Toriyama sound like a terrible offer.
No, whatever retardation Nomura comes out with won't be better than the original story. I don't think the original is flawless by the way, but it's fucking Shakespeare compared to the Kingdom Hearts tier nonsense they've tacked on here.
there was absolutely no padding in Midgar in original 7
So you're admitting that people play for the story people want shot for shot with new tech that could showcase some fantastical shit compared to the PS1 era?
Delusional crybaby faggots.
They couldn’t just do a remake and change some things. No, they had to make it part of the plot that they were remaking the game and the changes are Sephiroth meddling with the script, basically. Instead of a remake we are getting a sequel/reboot that is about changing the original games time line.
And the time travel shit wouldn’t be so bad if Nomura wasn’t a complete hack who can never make time travel make any sort of sense.
>Also everyone is worried about Nomura 'Kingdom Hearts-ing' the story but he's got Hamaguchi and Toryiama as fellow directors and Kitase as producer, they won't let him make it overly convoluted.
They already have though, they all were apparently fine with that whole ending sequence.
Final Fantasy fans are huge fucking faggots and deserve every bad thing that happens to them
Maybe the younger and less cynical of me wouldn't mind.
I already challenged you, you rejected my challenge.
Try to to get the original plot to work without killing Aerith or any other character
>can't I just kill—
No, if you can't kill Zack or Aerith nobody else has to die in their place.
Where do we go from here?
Try it, you'll see you no longer have the FFVII plot.
>developers promise that it’s a remake
>it’s not
End of story. Peoples anger is justified
Ok zoomer
They called it a Remake instead of Final Fantasy 7-2 or something.
No, that's what fan fiction is for. 7R is literally a bottom tier "WHAT IF" fanfic given humongous production values.
It didn't have to be a 1:1 remake, they could've added some stuff here and there, fleshed things out more. They did that to some degree and it was good, but mostly they just needlessly padded the fuck out of certain things to drag out the length, and then they shat all over the established story with the shitty ass timeline / fate bullshit that they literally threw in there just to surprise you. They haven't thought it through and don't even know what the fuck the next parts are going to be about, they are just throwing shit into a fan and you guys are paying for it.
It was a bait-and-switch.
You're underselling the changes
I wanted FF7 with really super pretty graphics, a good fighting system and a 100% faithful story.
-horrible fuzzy textures
-fallout 4 style midgar
-reused low res npcs that are copy/pasted multiple times in ever scene
-a hybrid fighting system that does both sides poorly
-changes to character models or personality that did not exist in the original
-padding in areas that never existed in the original
-a story that shits on itself at the end for no good reason other than just cause.
PC mods can fix models and textures and some text translations. But it can't fix the other crap.
>decent beginning
And then you leave Midgar halfway through disc 1 and the rest of the disc is trash save for a few moments.
>Do you guys not think it would be fun to see alternate scenarios play out?
Sure I do.
But you can't literally name the game "REMAKE" and then go and change everything.
Tifa, Jessie?, Aerith
There is a tonne of padding after Midgar. Running around the overworld was stupid.
Does anybody have the comic of the guy angrily glaring at some other guy hiding behind a mask?
I think the concept for what they were going for could have been interesting if they went about it in a different way but of course they had to go all time travel KH crap on us
Will squeenix pull a FFXV and change the ending?
Eat shit. I was collecting rat tails and class changing while you were barely avoiding being splattered across the lingerie section of a Sears catalog.
I would be fine with it if it was a NG+ mode, entirely optional. It would add legitimate replay value to a fantastic game.
I'm definitely older than you and I hereby declare you're a retard.
Nomura is going to make Sephiroth come off as a misguided good guy in the end and his last scene will be him, Angeal and Genesis sharing a milkshake on top of Shinra HQ laughing and having a good laugh as they enjoy the scenery.
>Do you guys not think it would be fun to see alternate scenarios play out?
Maybe from someone with some sense but not from Nomura.
There are better ways to change the content than Time Travel Jannies.
FF7 had a perfectly solid story. Alternate scenario stories are usually done for shit like spinoffs which are more often than not worse than the original. Also, the way they changed the game makes the story pretty awful for anyone that hasn't actually played the original FF7. This doesn't make any sense from a marketing perspective if you're trying to bring in new FF7 fans who probably aren't willing to play a 32-bit graphics game. On top of that, you piss off half of your existing fans which damages your own company's reputation.
Nomura is a fucking idiot and there's absolutely no justification for this rendition of FF7. If they were going to pull this shit then it should be like a DLC or spinoff AFTER they remake the original faithfully.
There's nothing wrong with changing or adding things to a story, but it becomes a problem when the stuff you add is objectively worse than the original.
Actually killing off Barrett would have been an interesting twist that you could do shit with. Or having Zach at the beginning as a party member. Not time travelling Sephiroth and dumb ass time jannies. Playing your hand at the beginning shows actual confidence instead of hiding it at the ass end because you know it's going to get under people's skin.
No. Should have been a movie.
>I'm totally an oldfag and I think FF7 is GREAT! XD
I'm sorry you've spent so many years being developmentally challenged that you think that, but the original game is merely ok. There are many better RPGs even within it's own generation.
You know what I hate? Faggots who are defending this heap of shit by saying faithful remakes are somehow boring.
The resident evil remakes have proven that they can be good as fuck. The first is pretty much a straight up upgrade in every way and what everyone prefers to play now over the original except for some die hard boomers. The second overhauled the gameplay to a more modern style and still stayed faithful in almost every way except for some cut content and it's a great game. RE3 is a bit weak because it was rushed and cut out way too much but it was still fun while it lasted, just not worth $60. Even 7R itself proves it because the best parts of it are the ones that are faithful to the original, and the bad parts are the ones that are unnecessarily padded or taken straight out of nomura's greasy asshole i.e. time jannies.
>Do you guys not think it would be fun to see alternate scenarios play out?
No, especially if its Nomura's fan fiction
>resident evil remakes
Is this bait?
stop using kingdom hearts as a way to shit on this
nope but your post is
>kh fanboy
Your series is a joke.
It's due to how retarded this shit is being handled.
ugh,best wife on the right :D
Not the same guy but even if FF7 wasn't a great game, this remake isn't any better.
This shit should be a NG+ option or DLC (free because it's worthless).
1 - I want to play the classic story with modern budget and presentation. I want to be able to play it with my kid because they sure as shit aint going to be able to play the old one because it looks like ass.
2 - Nomura's fucking ego trying to re-write the story to make it 'better' is fucking typical. Nu-Square is total dogshit and Nomura's writing is the worst thing about it. I'd just rather enjoy the classic story and not deal with all this pontification about FATE and DESTINY. It's going to go full fucking Kingdom Hearts in part 2, you can just fucking tell.
are you one of those faggots who like remixes?
shut up bitch.
I mean, I won't disagree REmake is superior in everyway, but the reasons for that is all the shit it added that WASN'T in the original in any form. That definitely goes against the idea of being faithful to it.
I'm okay with changes. The whole story with jessie was pretty interesting and made the world of the game seem bigger. It's time ghosts that ruin it.
It feels like an alternate ending you get from sequence breaking that completely destroys the pacing and story for short lived novelty.
What large scale changes would be worth making? What is the point in an alternative scenario? No one played through FF7 and went hmmm but what if time jannies showed up. They went wow I would love if this whole area was truly explorable, I'd like to see that character fleshed out more. That is the remake people asked for.
Time travel is nearly always poorly handled in stories, even worse when you are retroactively stapling some on. FF7 isn't about that shit, that doesn't play into the themes or gives a new spin of what it was saying. Know what it does? Push more Sephiroth vs Cloud epic anime rivals of time and space shit. This isn't done out of an intent to enhance or improve.
Fair and reasonable take
>Do you guys not think it would be fun to see alternate scenarios play out?
I do. Tutte alternate scenario we've been served isn't fun
Nomura didn't write FF7R, retard