What determines whether you buy a video game as a physical product or purely digital?

What determines whether you buy a video game as a physical product or purely digital?

I like game boxes but they're really starting to take up a lot of space in my room.

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I hope he pushes Biden further to the left.
Also fuck the young people that didn't show up on Super Tuesday.

Socialism is a failed ideology and Marx didn't understand human nature

I always buy digital

Did the COVID incident ruin Sanders's chances or was it destined from the start?

I was raised by a Surgeon so basically i have high standards when it comes to cleaning, this is why i don't buy physical games. They're just dust boxes.

I hope Biden wins just so Yas Forums reddit and Twitter all choke on their rage induced bile

DNC collusion and young people not voting did

I didn't necessarily back Sanders. I sometimes think he can't see the forest through the trees when it comes to his ideas.

There's no point in buying physical. All you're buying is the code for the game on Steam.

Price alone. I buy the cheaper option.

reminder that your successful parents are ashamed of you

Basic healthcare is not socialism you brainwashed fuck.

>Thinking socialism, communism and Marxism are the same
Burger education at its finest

He's retarded but correct basically by instinct most of the time

Bernie lost the black vote

Well I'm 28 and i have my own restaurant. So fuck them, at least I'm not dying due hunger.

Pretty sure it was just sabotaged by the ruling jewish elite. Look at how America goes to war with the last few countries without a Rothchild central bank systematically. Only a hand full of them left and they are getting knocked off quickly. They already got Iraq

He was losing states to Joe before COVID19 was mainstream moron.

I always buy digital because I'm a third worlder PC gamer and because they're cheaper than the limited (DRM-free) retail releases.

Tbh i doubt he even wanted to win this time around.

>Basic healthcare
Do you even know what Bernie was campaigning for?

I asked a FUCKING QUESTION. I'd only be a moron if I stated it as fact, you FAGGOT.

This is totally NOT a thread about politics.

You should hope winning the lottery instead, you have more chances.
Not like it matters, Trump is 100% winning.

I haven't bought a physical copy of a game in over 10 years, and that was only because I got gifted some vouchers for a store.

But how do you obtain "basic" helthcare for all?
Healthcare is not a right,You stupid faggot.

I do not understand buying physical copies what is ultimately digital content. they only really exist on consoles now. you are literally just getting the same generic plastic box and a disc. the only argument is paranoia about your library being taken away from you in the future, but they aren't going to uninstall games directly from your hard drive

The best part about Bernie and his movement was discovering how hilariously, actually racist his followers are for getting as furious with black voters as the rest of the country has been.

>Trump is 100% winning
If that's true it cements america as being filled with brain dead idiots. Before people made fun of americans for being stupid as a joke, but now it would be scientifically proven.

You've been misled. The meme statistic of young people showing up is misleading because the age range that's constantly posted as ~15-17% turnout is of the whole electorate, not of young people. Young people make up only a little more than that to begin with, so the actual percent of young people that turned out was something in the range of 75-85%, give or take depending on state.

It was a STUPID question you M O R O N.

>it destined from the start?
This, just like in 2016.
There is no such a thing as a democratic country in the entire planet, USA is an oligarchy like almost all rich countries, and american oligarchs obviously didn't want Bernie in power. Trump may be annoying, but he's one of them, just like Biden.

Oh sorry

>the oligarchs magically brainwashed black voters into voting for Biden

At least other politicians are better about not pissing you off. They don't use Twitter to provoke the people. It's more subtle.

Trump is retarded but what are the alternatives? Senile men that want you to cut off your dick? The only Democrat that made any sense is Yang but we can't have him since he hates circumcision and that's a no no

Maybe Bernie should have created his own political party. :^)

Do you think Trump would have beaten Sanders? If yes then I think you are a moron.

Sanders couldn't even defeat Biden.

Bernie was great

Have you seen Biden? Dude can't form a single coherent sentence, it's clear his brain gave out at least a decade ago, and then there's the accusations against him further guaranteeing nobody left leaning wants to vote for him. The dems couldn't have possibly set up Trump to win any harder than they did.

USA is a republic, and always has been. You fucking paranoid dumbass.

Healthcare for all is such a wild concept that only 32 of the world's 33 first world nations have been able to make it work.

Healthcare is a right. You have a right to go to the doctor. It is America's fault for taking that right and mutating it into what it is now. It is still a right.

It should be.

Yea he was, too bad he will never be president now. So sad :(

It took the DNC rallying delegates behind one candidate

I use digital as I can't be bothered to go to thew digital entertainment repository


>If that's true it cements america as being filled with brain dead idiots.
Like Biden is any different.
America has already lost, get over it.
And it's not like most countries politics are nothing but corrupt assholes too.
The only hope for humanity is to SEVERELY improve educational systems, and what's happening it's the opposite.
Between nuclear weapons and nanovirus, there is no way in hell humanity will reach even the next century.

homogenous populations

What's that got to do with anything

COVID was the best chance as all things he argued for were proven correct in the insane transparency of rich people and corrupt governments making a full show of it.

But the black vote turned out to be made up of idiots that will vote for somebody not doing anything other than being VP to Obama. I can't believe they voted against their own self interests.

You literally can't even fathom the existence of a third party, ffs.

All 32, you mean

Case in point

I don't buy digital games.

No one cares what you think tranny faggot. You freaks of nature do nothing but lose, constantly. Comrade Bernie wouldn’t have changed that, maybe if you kys though it will change things.


>raise taxes on the rich to pay for it


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Its not racism, though, its just confound confusion and frustration. I also think the Youth vote is consistent of irresponsible twats and Warren's base is made up of vagina chasing white knights that desperately want a female pres and nothing else noteworthy.

All you edgy socialist kids will realize you're wrong when you grow up

>What determines whether you buy a video game as a physical product or purely digital?
How many times the console's proprietary server has been hacked and thus the chances of my account being compromised through no fault of my own.

Can you lefties think logically about anything? Who is going to provide that healthcare? Do you have a right to use the government to force someone to provide it to you? That, by definition, is slavery. Your rights end where they begin to infringe on the rights of others.

So you admit to being retarded. Trump is by far the worst option of them all. He's an idiot, massively incompetent, consistently lies, runs disinformation compaigns, acts purely out of self-interest (even lies to his citizens to try and earn more money), constantly shifts blame (he's never at fault in his own world), etc.
Yet here you are claiming that he's the best option.
In other words, you want the world to keep laughing at america for being mega retards. Fine by me.

So the rest of the world is dumb for having free healthcare?

Biden also has dementia which makes him a perfect candidate. Gubmint is just the entertainment division of the military industrial complex anyway.

>Who is going to provide that healthcare?
You no longer get to use that excuse after the trillions of dollars that was just printed for the stimulus package. Try again, honey.

>everybody gets taxed up the ass to pay for

ok zoomer

I buy stolen keys off of russian sites bruh.
Only physical games i have are max payne 3, gta 4, bfbc3, bf3 and crysis 3. All from late 2010s though!

Capitalism, where everyone is on their own and has to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Unless you're a millionaire, in which case the govt will step in and bail out your business.

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