The new standard for Resident Evil games

I sure cannot wait to buy the inevitable RE4 remake! Sure it will be only 3 hours long. Sure it will cut out the Del Lago boss fight, cut the castle down to a scripted boss fight and skip the last third of the game entirely but remember, this is okay as it will have 8 unlockable difficulty levels because "Muh replayability" is more important. Capcom will even throw in another half baked multiplayer mode that no one asked for!! Come on Capcom, let me just buy RE4remake for 60 usd ahead of time! Also Resident Evil thread.

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>skip the last third of the game entirely
I'm actually okay with that.

This desu


>No Female MC option
aaaaaand dropped.

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They couldn't get away with a 3 hour campaign for RE4. There would be riots.

I hope RE4 gets remade just so the fanboys can realize that their sacred cow didn't age as well as they want to think it did.

I couldn't care less. I hate playing women.

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Then why are you posting one?

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I blame conzoomers

>implying they'll skimp on anything while remaking the most popular game in the franchise

If anything I would expect a half assed CVX and then a full on RE4 remake.

>Re4 plays like a great 80s action B movie
>modern faggot Capcom will make it super serious and cut out places like the castle, island, and make Leon a non-quipping pansy
Fuck off.

It would be great if they could skip the entire castle portion, a third of the game is 'that level'.

what did he mean by this?

all 3 of the remakes are about the same length as the original games, Resident Evil games are all short, a lot of people don't remember this because 4, 5, and 6 had way more cutscenes and QTE scenes. In the end these games can all be beaten in under 3 hours, every single game in the series.

RE:3 should have gotten Mercs instead of REsistance, but whatever.

No. Stop this shit.
EVERY single 2010's and 2020's "RE" game has been awful. Do not shit-stain the 10/10 games any more.

you fix the game by making it that saddler escapes on an old airship that was hidden in the fortress with ashley and you chase after it and board it in the last second. Make it about half the length of the island and you have a climactic fight with saddler on it as it goes down in flames.

village>gothic castle>airship

fits much better with the tone and aesthetic of the game than a weird industrial mercenary island.

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Am I the only one that doesn't understand the appeal of Resident Evil 4? Why did they think putting tentacles on everything was scarier?

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people always group the castle into one giant thing when it's really a bunch of different sections that all have their own gameplay and theming.

I don't understand this 3 hour shit, if you're good at RE then that's a shit time. I don't think they'd remake 4 either. It got a rerelease a few years back and still held up. Of all the "modern" re games it probably needs the least amount of attention.

The island sucked, so did about 45-60% of the castle

RE4 was already trying to be serious. It was just bad at it, so you only remember the quippy bits.

the island isn't perfect but I would riot if the lab areas and regenerators got cut. maybe you could move them to the basement of the castle or something

autism. they could make a game that was objectively as good as the originals and you would not like it because it's new.

1st half of RE4 was fun being set in a rural spanish village and surrounding area. Everything after the castle was shit. I really liked Luis too

>dude industrial island with mercenary lmao

Because you were actually meant to play as Ashley in a much more survival horror based game without gunplay. The enemy would rip your clothes off and attack you with tentacles, eventually leading to you getting raped.

But the survival horror aspect didn't play over well with test audiences so they just threw Leon in there with infinite ammo instead.

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yes absolutely, only good parts of the island. Would fit better in the castle basement or as a part of the airship.

These are the only good things from the island and all of them could be moved elsewhere

I fucking love RE4 and I never thought it was scary. From the second Leon roundhouse kicks a zombie I knew the game couldn't be scary. Its fun, dumb action schlock with good gameplay and a fun protagonist.

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>being filtered by regenerators and based mad max characters in spain

If they wanted to "modernize" Resident Evil 4, literally all they would have to do would be to change the controls to 3rd person.
There would be no reason to remake any assets for an already HD high poly game.
The reason why the PS1 games got remade from the ground up is because all the areas in the game are just jpgs in back of characters and it only allows for playing from one camera angle.

>island ditched completely
>village greatly expanded
I'm already hard.

you forgot the part where chris gets turned into a dirty mouth fugly feminazi that looks like a tranny

God please, let Capcom remake RE4 and make it the biggest turd ever so ps2 babies can feel the same way I felt when that abortion of RE4 was released.

I waited 20 years for my revenge. 20 years.

>We live in a timeline where resident evil 4 will get a remake
RE4 will truly be ported to every platform

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*blocks your path

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having standard 3rd person controls would break RE4. the game is designed around you not being able to move while shooting

I got spooked out by the first regenerator.

So it's a horror themed action game but with survival horror mechanics? That doesn't sound fun to play at all.

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Well, they would obviously change the enemy AI to accommodate for increased mobility.

>trying to be serious

>that goofy laugh


>The original was short
Not an excuse for the remake 20 years later made by a bigger dev team and sold at full price. Especially when sections from the original game are absent from the remake.

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This, first regenerator before you get the thermal scope is spooky

Yeah that game is called Haunting Ground and was released to pretty good reception back in 2005.

The star shines all the brighter for it's brevity.

trash taste
>fanboys see a remake that's worse than the original and this is somehow going to convince them of something

the galados suck, there are a handful of awkward setpieces that get you get killed but for 90% of the game you can trivially melt through crowds of them with the shotgun.

This is it bros the remake that will determine if Capcom HQ burns to the ground or not and I'm pretty sure they are aware of it

The thing to understand about 4fags is that it was their first RE. 4 was a timed exclusive for the GC so all the weird kids that only had Nintendo consoles were blown away by it and that's where the hyperbole began.