Why do video games try so hard to appeal to the female demographic?

Why do video games try so hard to appeal to the female demographic?

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>In theory
Untapped market

>In truth
Virtue-signalling leftists who hate Orange Man

Control doesn't do any of that

It's not a sex thing, it's a political thing. They're trying to convince the suits at the top that ditching men and appealing to civil and social politics will make them more money.

Case in point, female beauty standards.

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Because the white male audience has peaked and is saturating so they need to attract new demographics in order to continue infinite growth

reddit bugmen like playing as girls

It's forced agenda pushing by the zionists/illuminati, this shit doesn't actually make money so that's the only explanation that makes sense

Women have increased in the gaming industry, and so they come up with stupid idea and the men are to much of a bitch to say no or are afraid of the consequences.

Yeah its a loss leader for them to push propaganda.

im on a 27 year long spree of not buying any game with a forced female protagonist.

because it makes them more immune to public criticism


The real question is how many obviously pandering games need to flop until they admit and acknowledge it doesn't work?

Based. Fuck the Illuminati

Well we have another one coming up with last of us 2, but even if its sales are extremely mediocre there's still going to be 5 threads an hour praising it here.

what did Control do besides the ugly mc?

i like playing as a female character, especially with nude mod

They were other hand picked below average characters as well, this was the model for one of the other main characters

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Why do people throw such a fit about Control's main character? She was fine. When I played it nothing felt forced about her.

>games with women in them don't make money
Yes someone is funding the hundreds of different studios and directors to work at a loss. Great critical thinking.

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The Illuminati has unlimited funds!

To be fair George Soros lost like 10 billion dollars of net worth campaigning against Trump

>some developer makes their choice on who to cast as MC
>it's not a conventionally attractive female char
>some retarded coomcoom on 4shit with a tinfoil hat squeezing his tiny skull too hard for his brain to juggle the 5 conspiracy theories it's on; "why do video games try to appeal to the female demographic?"
I don't even see where the correlation is
Is it because feminists are supposedly against sexualization? do Yas Forumsshitters think female = feminist? is this why you people find it impossible to have sex?

>implying game companies actually give a shit about identity politics
it's all about the benjamins babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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I just want appealing females in videogames. If i want to look at ugly skanks i go for a walk outside.

Is that SO MUCH to fucking ASK???

This post in theory
>explanation being provided to OP

This post in truth
>Thinly veiled shilling for cheeto man

>It's just a coincidence, nothing to see here


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Don't care if it's a coincidence or not. Devs are free to do what they want. Don't like it? seethe super hard about it, my boy. This is a free world. Not gonna censor a game dev's right to artistic/creative freedom nor your right to seethe about said dev's choices.

Female characters don't always have to be sexually attractive. I don't really see the point in making a female character not interesting in some way either though. It's just a bland design.

So in essence what you're saying is that you're made we've taken notice and are discussing it.

Let's not forget the Super PACs and other media billionaires propping up Trump as well. The US political system is corruption incarnate. The difference is that the deep-pocketed "Political action committee" on the right aren't being blamed for a worldwide conspiracy where women in videogames are being funded at a loss.

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Yes. The Dishonored developers definitely chose a strong independent she-nigger as their protagonist for absolutely no agenda purposes

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Yes and we'll continue to not buy the games and they'll flop. Like Control did.

Control just isn't fun though. Got it for free and couldn't finish it.

Biden's superpac edited Trump snippets to make it sound like he called the Corona virus a democrat hoax, you can't be so publicly brazen and complain about negative attention

We will never find out OP. It's a well guarded state secret.

Just kill yourself already and get it over with

ooh, are you unironically making threats at me. do i look like sam lake to you?
>control flopped
control is an epic exclusive. it literally made bank without even pulling an effort, even got a DLC recently and was on the GOTY nominations last year. Seethe harder, bro. Choke on that salt.

That's the thing. I think these sort of games are evolving. Developers know they can't make a good game so they hamfist social politics in for "controversy" and free marketing

Worrying about how someone interprets Trump's mincemeated words is the least of his concerns when all this is through.


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Yeah and Trump is trying to take the video down, kek. And you HAVE to edit it down because what he says is a nonsensical stream of consciousness

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Yes, fuck off.

I don't think it was controversial though was it? It seemed like they really tried with the game though as the tech behind it was pretty impressive, but the gameplay just felt like shit. These are the same people that made max payne so I was hoping for something more.

Control was a good game, fuck off

They see all the women playing mobile shit and think they'll convince them to play AAA stuff which will never happen.

That's what all their games are like, tech demos with shit gameplay.

fpbp, it's an oversaturated market, also it's the same with movies and how they just remake old franchises but with women

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I enjoyed Alan Wake