Here's your Shaundi, bro

Here's your Shaundi, bro.

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SR3 Shaundi is garbage anyway

Wait, a remastered that actually improves soul?

As long as I can play as a female character with big boobs, I don't care about that.


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Why do you care so much about this remake of this bargain bin GTA clone? The original is still playable on modern machines and the graphics don't really matter because, frankly, you're playing Saints Row and those games have always looked like shit.

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Did they at least use the original actress? I never understood why they suddenly turned her black without a fucking explanation.

That's not how souls works bro, you can't retroactively "improve" it.

Considering that it restores the soul of of the original Shaundi where SR3 had destroyed it, yes it can

So they brought back white Shaundi? How is this a bad thing again?

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Since when did remasters actually change graphics and not just improve textures?


ur kinda right the nose is much more like SR2 and now she has lipstick like in SR2

>that hair

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We know you are, user, you don't have to repeat it.

Shes a lot better in remastered what are you complaining about. Her face is disgusting in the original.

Why do they keep doubling down in Saints Row 3 when everyone on Earth has made it clear that 3 is shit and 2 was kino
Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty gearbox borderlands writing staff

She looks better

saints row was never good

2 was way better than it had any right to be.

>Why do they keep doubling down in Saints Row 3 when everyone on Earth has made it clear that 3 is shit and 2 was kino
lol SR3 is the best selling SR game

Weird design choice to put turds on her head.

Saints Row 2 is the best GTA game, and is just a better San Andreas.

Have you not seen white women with dreadlocks?
It looks fucking disgusting - has the same texture the aforementioned image.

Black people can get away with it because of their lack of visibility.

>Saints Row 3 made Shaundi into a beaner for no fucking reason
>Remaster fixes to her original state
Are there actual faggots complaining about this? I just wished that Eliza Dushku was back to voicing her instead of some shaboon.

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Second game was great, better than most GTA games for that mattered, not sure why that one isn't getting the remaster or a complete remake instead.

kill yourself you are subhuman you have no human rights

probably because 2 gave them hope that the sequel would be good. Have you honestly never heard of shitty sequels selling more than preceding games? It happens all the fucking time.

and dropped
thanks I hate it

kek this dude shook

>shit must taste good because it's always covered with flies

She looks better though



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