Part 2 when?

Part 2 when?

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2 or 3 years

Never. The backlash will kill any future parts or at least force them to heavily retool them which will push development back another year or two.
Never hopefully

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Never. It was standalone trash

probavly 2 years for news, add one year due to corona.


Hopefully never

I can feel this game's pull, even though I think all the compilation stuff is fucking garbage.
It roughly has the same energy as "but you have to watch the new movies because it's fucking Star Wars" (gave up after TLJ).

The fanbase is divided enough that they will still make a good amount of sales on part 2. But even reddit is turning on this games story but i'm sure they will release some trailer that will hide all the flaws like this game did and they will buy it up.

I live in the timeline where we finally got a remake for ffvii, which I have been looking forward to for 15 years, and yet I have not/will not purchase it. It's the worst kind of feel.

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Buy it user. So I can call you a faggot for getting baited

I had pre-ordered the deluxe edition it when it was announced. The unopened box is just sitting there. I think im just gonna keep it pristine to hopefully make some money if it ends up being a collectors item. I hare squeenix so much

You deserve it for being such a pussy faggot and letting the internet decide how you should feel about a game you haven't played.

there isn't any real backlash outside some vocal minorities on twitter and reddit. The game is selling gangbusters and reviewing very well too. it just prints money - it's a very safe investment. Even if Square thought the reaction to history niggas was bad, nothing has actually changed in the story by the end of part 1. As in, no major event has deviated so far (which was the entire point of history niggas, who are now dead). They could just stick with the OG story going forward and ignore all that shit.

Basically you guys don't realize this but Square hedged before even releasing part 1 - they haven't committed hard to history niggas for part 2 at all. There's just the potential there for deviation, but it's not set in stone and they can pivot based on backlash as needed.

But really the backlash is so minute why bother.

or maybe the remake was just god awful garbage, that threw out much of the originals charm and content

Lets be real, no you don’t.

I feel like its not going to get the criticism it deserves until the hype dies down.
Right now pointing out what makes this game a pile of shit is on par with saying nigger

>implying you can discuss the game on this board ever again

This. With the way it ended, now its just an excuse to make OC fanfic bullshit using the FF7 IP. Expect a bunch of Zack games for mobile and Dirge of Cerberus type shit in the new timeline

Don't understand the story but the combat is godlike

Diablo 3 was the best selling pc game of all time or so and initially got far better scores than FF7R too iirc, and it was still more or less quietly swept under the rug m8.

Before you flip out, no I do not WISH or THINK this will happen to nuFF7.

>promote open world Midgar
>realize that's too much work, make corridor Midgar instead
>realize Part 2 onwards was already open world
>turn entire planet into corridors

Holy shit you’re right..get ready for the 13 Nomura spin off games about Zack

>Just pay $80 CAD for a game you now know isn't what you want, just so you can pat yourself on the back that you actually really didn't like it, even though what you had read up about it beforehand was sufficient to reach that decision anyway.

I was on the fence too prior to release but im glad I didnt listen to Yas Forums bc the game is actually great.

Im playing it now. You just press the same button over and over again. It plays just like KH3. Why are you fucking shills so bad at lying?

>He doesn't think a part 2 will come out
>All the assets, gameplay, etc, are developed
>literally can just re use everything and make easy money

I don't really care either way, I'm just saying it's really unlikely and that Square has hedged themselves so they can literally say "oh we just did that to make the Midgar part a bit more interesting, but we're sticking to the OG story going forward" and then it would still print money.

Not really open world until airship. That's how FF world maps have always worked

Its just wishful thinking

nta but you'll get utterly destroyed doing that pretty early into the game, basic attacks only do chip damage. You need to abuse weaknesses and special abilities to stagger enemies to do real damage. Airbuster is a particularly good example.

Confirmed liar or plays on easy.

There's no way you played normal mode and mashed through it. You'll die without staggering enemies

But I do

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>You just press the same button over and over again
No you don't though. If you do that you'll get trashed. You have to make sure no ATB goes to waste.

Did they actually promote an open world Midgar or was that just bullshit started on Yas Forums that got posted so much everyone started believing it?

Doesn't even matter anymore, it's ruined already. Any future part is now 100% Kingdom Hearts autism fanfiction.

they just said they would expand Midgar. FWIW you do get to visit the top plate for a bit. The bulk of the game does feel like uncharted though where you just walk from point A to B so there's little freedom except a couple of chapters.

People read "expanded midgar" as open world midgar.

I played the original for the first time a couple years ago. I thought the story was all right but nothing special, though I did appreciate the characters a lot. I also thought that Midgar was a really cool setting and needed more exploration/screentime and should have defined the game as a whole to a greater degree.

So as someone with no sentimental attachment to the story who hasn’t waited decades for a proper remake, is there looking to be any reason why I, who just wants to hit shit with a big sword in a diesel-punk setting wouldn’t like this? I can understand longtime fans’ reaction but since the demo was received well, it seems like the basic gameplay is good.

Based user. I know it hurts but from one FF7 fan to another: It's just not okay what they did to our beloved game here. I refuse to stand for it,

just try out the demo if it's still out, general consensus is that the combat is very good (and imo it's the best FF has ever done with action combat)