Behold the most annoying people you could possibly deal with in online vidya

behold the most annoying people you could possibly deal with in online vidya

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relax ZSU

i hate everyone from czechia

also in forum

Why? Czechs are good people.

I hate being the same continent with these faggots

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Found the chink.


Those aren’t anglos (aka the people who also start these types of threads)


Let's be honest most of you faggots have a chinese heritage.

How do I unfilipino myself

You’re correct. Anglos are a majority demographic on Yas Forums and they are from central asia originally.

Step 1:realize that we will always be indian-chink rape babies no matter what
Step 2:Kill myself and hope we born to somewhere else

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Pretty obvious when you consider the Filipinos who play online games are literal uneducated prepubescent poorfag slumdwellers and the educated people are complete normalfags. I've yet to meet one other person who'd played SMT and I went to a "top" university.

You posted the wrong flag OP

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konchiwa dude

I have nothing against China in terms of online gaming. Don't get me wrong, they are scummy scamming ignorance cheap ass people that honestly deserve to get wipe out by the virus that they are lying about. As a culture they want to look pretty even if it means living a lie. Basically willing to be wrong about everything as long they can look nice about it. They aren't fooling anymore. With that said though unless you count goldfarmers I haven't even seen a Chinese play a game online. I assume given their culture they would be all over shit like Eve Online which I'm not personally a fan of.

Depends on the game you would be right. Sorry we let our kids squeak all over team speak.

Are these the cunts that never push to talk, talk gibberish and have a vacuum cleaner blasting in the background?

You can't, sorry. You were raped by the Han in the north, which gave you a little boast, but then your genes got cucked by the Indians, then the Spanish. So you are basically the most Mutted country in SEA.

ok germutt

Move to Canada and work at Tim Hortons.


No, Filipinos dont even have enough money for a mic

>talk gibberish and have a vacuum cleaner blasting in the background
Those are the chinks.

Hopefully China takes over the world while everyone is distracted fighting their virus and then Xi Jinping himself personally goes to your shitty home and rape your ass for not accepting Chinese superiority.

Step 1: stop pointing out that you're Filipino in every forum or comment section every chance you get, even if it's to say how much you hate it. Nobody fucking cares, you guys are the vegans of racial backgrounds.

Sorry, I’m not any type of central asian.

>you guys are the vegans of racial backgrounds
No those are Indians. Every single comment section, I swear.

Pretty much this.
Don't ever make it a factor in a discussion where it doesn't have any relevancy or if you aren't asked about it directly. Just act like a normal dude.

That's not a jew

Seriously though, about once a week on CS:GO casual I'm stuck in the same lobby as this really obnoxious jew. Rabbi clan tag, angel name, whole 9 yards. He has all these super annoying tics like saying peanut butter instead of a "cuss" but will happily say nigger because "blacks don't know real slavery like us chosen people" I tried many times to be cordial but now every time I see him online I harass him about the illegitimate Israeli apartheid state and the changing numbers constantly spouted about the holocaust.


Why do Philipinos and other SEAmonkey countries hate the shit of each other?

No you got it all wrong. The difference is you can tell they're Indian without them having to tell you that they are.

Is it the Jews or the Whites that always have anime profile pics?

Kill yourself

They're like brazillians honestly

Yet they still point it out anyway, even though you can clearly tell they are Indian from their selfie profile pic and their long ass pajeet name.

You seem to be filled with too much self hate, it sort of betrays just how much you know of your history. The Filipinos have more of an identity to speak of than Singaporeans. You can trace your history back to the Malays and Indonesians and your people from up in the mountains and down south aren't really products of rape like the ones in the big cities.. and talking about products of rape, a lot of Europe are products of rape, from ancient Rome to today.

White people

have you been assblasted online again?

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can confirm this

and im one of them


But why did Filipino women submit to Big Han Dick?

>every comment or post from them is either them being stupidly angry or incredibly horny
What's with that?

They're too dumb and lazy to learn about their history lmao

whatever nigs I'm gonna go eat some pancit

Do they really?

They're gold diggers

Fuck Xi Jinping. Also, fuck Drumpf, fuck Ortega, fuck Maduro, fuck Bolsonaro, fuck Erdogan, fuck Bashar al-Assad, fuck Mohammad bin Salman, fuck Khamenei, fuck Putin, fuck Duterte, and fuck Kim Jong-un

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Starved of Bob and Vagine

Yes, they do.


t. retarded failipino


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It's on Yas Forums

Well... I ain't flips though
I live in trannyland

Based. Trudeau is the only worthwhile leader

Dem neetbuxs man

>literally ruins any online game they get their bugmen hands on

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If you're talking about /asean/ then I dont see much proof for what you say

Trudeau will be the only leader alive once the virus kills all boomers.

you mean brazil

so, flipland.

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Well, it's their own games so...

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Brazilians are the only one's who can equal them.

>embracing Filipino transport
Jesus, save this man from the prison of his own mind

They can more based than them sometimes

devs dont get out of their way to let huehues ruin their game because they dont have money

In my experience its hispanics

Thailand desu

>Filipino food

FUCKING WHY. Lumpia and adobo don't make up for the farce that is Filipino "cuisine"

This whole thread is perfect example.

I've had lechon and that's pretty good

Flips unironically play shitty phone games
When I was over there everyone played that shitty game mobile legends

Hey man, cool it with the anti-Sinoism. The Chinese are the ones funding all of your games.

The thing with Filipino gamers being annoying is that a lot of them are kids who have access to the internet. Some are out of school youths, and a lot are underage too. It isn't really surprising that with the educational attainment those kids get, plus unsupervised internet access, they would go on and be annoying.

If the adults there would restrict internet access or better yet improve their education system, we could probably see an improvement, but it's unlikely to happen because everyone and their moms have smartphones and the adults are busy trying to earn a living so they can't really supervise their kids.

alright but I dont see this thread as proof of Filipinos hating other SEA countries

Hey now, the Tocharians were based.